Have you ever_____?

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Probably, but I can't think of an example.

Have you ever posted a nude photo of yourself on Literotica?

Nope....I'm afraid my inbox would become over filled with faceless vagina photos.

HYE sent somebody on lit a nude photo of yourself?
HYE been sent a nude photo by someone on Lit?

Probably, but I'm not sure because I don't even look at them before deleting.

Have you ever seen nude photos or videos of someone you know who would be mortified to know that you've seen them?
Probably, but I'm not sure because I don't even look at them before deleting.

Have you ever seen nude photos or videos of someone you know who would be mortified to know that you've seen them?

Yeah. Once. There was a secretary in my organization. I didn't work directly with her, but I knew her. I stumbled across some photos of her. Obviously taken by a boyfriend etc. I am sure that she didn't know they were posted on the web and that she would be mad as hell that they were. I debated letting her know somehow. But decided that it just would cause me way more problems.

HYE told someone you saw revealing photos or video of them on the web?
I never said a word about it.

Have you ever been naked and in the middle of a sex act and suddenly have to stop and immediately get dressed?

In my teens, many times when 'her' parents came home earlier than expected.

HYE been caught and then had to see someone's parents on a later date?
I never said a word about it.

Have you ever been naked and in the middle of a sex act and suddenly have to stop and immediately get dressed?

Hmmmmm....not quite, although sort of. I've been in flagrante' when a small child decided they needed something. They can be rather insistent...so, I didn't have to get fully dressed. I used a bath robe.

HYE masturbated for an audience?
Yes, but nothing too bad.

Have you ever witnessed a dramatic wardrobe malfunction?

Well, I saw a woman's skirt blown up revealing everything she had on underneath. I found it quite enjoyable...

HYE gone out with the intent of flashing and "accidentally" revealing yourself to people?
HYE gone out with the intent of flashing and "accidentally" revealing yourself to people?

Strictly speaking, no.

Have you ever watched a film with other(s) and felt embarrassed by the amount or explicitness of the sex in it?
Strictly speaking, no.

Have you ever watched a film with other(s) and felt embarrassed by the amount or explicitness of the sex in it?

LOL...well, not in a long time, but yeah, as a kid I went to see "same time next year" with my parents. That was not a good choice...

Also, there was something a few years back I was watching and my daughter (teenager) was watching too. She was quite embarrassed...we changed to another movie I think.

HYE watched porn with a group?
HYE....tried to stay common when you were aroused?

Common? Does that mean to act unaroused? If so, then yes. Too often, actually. People would be shocked.

Have you ever deliberately turned someone on with no intent to go any further?
Common? Does that mean to act unaroused? If so, then yes. Too often, actually. People would be shocked.

Have you ever deliberately turned someone on with no intent to go any further?

You mean tease? I hope so:devil:;)

Are you a flirt?:D
I try, but I think I fail...

HYE flirted with someone in a professional setting?

No, but once a woman made some extremely inappropriate comments, and asked an extremely explicit question to me late at work....I LOVED it...lol...

HYE made any effort at all to appear to have the contact be accidental, but you really tried to touch a stranger sexually in public (like when someone has to slide in past you to get a seat at a show, etc.)?
No, but once a woman made some extremely inappropriate comments, and asked an extremely explicit question to me late at work....I LOVED it...lol...

HYE made any effort at all to appear to have the contact be accidental, but you really tried to touch a stranger sexually in public (like when someone has to slide in past you to get a seat at a show, etc.)?

yes....:devil: and I usually get away with it, although occationally I get a "dissapproving look" from someone...my sheepish "oops" response usually gets an eye roll.

HYE been groped by a stranger in a public place and just let it happen and enjoyed it?
yes....:devil: and I usually get away with it, although occationally I get a "dissapproving look" from someone...my sheepish "oops" response usually gets an eye roll.

HYE been groped by a stranger in a public place and just let it happen and enjoyed it?

Was groped in a bar a few times, but I think that comes with the territory of a crowded leather bar.

HYE written a story about a true sexual encounter on Lit?
Was groped in a bar a few times, but I think that comes with the territory of a crowded leather bar.

HYE written a story about a true sexual encounter on Lit?


HYE placed yourself in a non-erotic story and no one knew it was you?
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