Obamacare: 83% of docs considered quitting

Besides your dog, where's your proof to the contrary?
Are you really that dumb to believe because no one has proved that 83% aren't considering leaving the medical field because of the ACA, that that means the article is true?
If that's the common level of intelligence in the Marines, I need to talk to my son about reconsidering enlisting. I really hope you're not a typical example.
Shut up Alt maggot, I'm twice as smart as you'll ever be. The article says 83% of those surveyed (699 doctors). The survey results are here:


The "Woofer" said the OP was in effect "Gullible and dumb." I asked him to prove the survey wrong by showing proof to the contrary. He's failed to do so. Now I'll ask you to do the same, prove the survey didn't ask 699 doctors and receive the results published. Or go fuck yourself, Alt coward.

To be fair vet I can find (669) doctors and get a poll saying what I want.
that's why polls are shit.
Shut up Alt maggot, I'm twice as smart as you'll ever be. The article says 83% of those surveyed (699 doctors). The survey results are here:


The "Woofer" said the OP was in effect "Gullible and dumb." I asked him to prove the survey wrong by showing proof to the contrary. He's failed to do so. Now I'll ask you to do the same, prove the survey didn't ask 699 doctors and receive the results published. Or go fuck yourself, Alt coward.

You're twice as smart as someone who is dumb? I'll give you that.
That's it, your best defense is to claim my source is lying. Yet all of your sources are impeccably accurate. Fuck that disingenuous shit KO. Attack the data not the source.

Attacking the data, in this case, would mean attacking the poll -- regarding which, see this from Media Matters (a source that has credibility).

Comically Awful Survey Says 83 Percent Of Doctors Might Quit Over Obamacare

Blog››› July 10, 2012 10:35 AM EDT ››› SIMON MALOY

Did you know that American doctors are so incensed over Obamacare's big-government communist socialism that more than eight in ten are going to quit doctoring? It's true, according to a terribly conducted survey conducted by a shady right-wing group, reported credulously by the Daily Caller, and hyped by Matt Drudge and Fox News.

"Eighty-three percent of American physicians have considered leaving their practices over President Barack Obama's health care reform law, according to a survey released by the Doctor Patient Medical Association," reported the Daily Caller yesterday. What is the Doctor Patient Medical Association? The Daily Caller didn't seem too interested (beyond calling them "a non-partisan association of doctors and patients") so we'll have to fill in a few gaps.

The Doctor Patient Medical Association's founder, Kathryn Serkes, is a long-time veteran of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, a collection of crackpot malcontents that opposes mandatory vaccinations, wrongly believes undocumented immigrants spread leprosy, and dabbled in Vince Foster conspiracy theorism. The group itself is solidly conservative in its politics: it boasts membership in the National Tea Party Federation; describes the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act as "Destruction Of Our Medicine," or DOOM; and published a sheet of talking points about the health law to help grassroots activists "beat back the White House spin machine!"

But what about this improbable survey indicating that more than 3/4 of doctors have considered hanging up the stethoscope rather than tolerate Obamacare? Well, the first thing to point out is that the survey didn't actually ask about the Affordable Care Act. Here's the question and the results as given by DPMA:

How do current changes in the medical system affect your desire to practice medicine?

I'm re-energized - 4.6%

Makes me think about quitting - 82.6%

Unsure/no opinion - 12.8%

So they're just assuming that every respondent, upon reading "current changes in the medical system," thought "Obamacare" and nothing else? Doesn't seem too likely. And when asked to give their opinion on these undefined "changes," they were given three options: super-excited, ready to quit, and "unsure." What if they were just slightly dissatisfied? Or cautiously optimistic? The survey left no room for anyone who didn't hold an extreme position.

All this leads up to 83 percent of respondents saying they are ready to quit their chosen profession even though they don't know what they're quitting over. That's a fairly good clue that we're not dealing with the most reliable sample.

And how did we arrive at this unreliable sample? Let's take a look at the methodology [emphasis added]:

The survey was conducted by fax and online from April 18 to May 22, 2012. DPMAF obtained the office fax numbers of 36,000 doctors in active clinical practice, and 16,227 faxes were successfully delivered. Doctors were asked to return their completed surveys by fax, or online at a web address included in the faxed copy. Browser rules prevented doctors from filing duplicate surveys, and respondents were asked to provide personal identification for verification. The response rate was 4.3% for a total of 699 completed surveys.

They had a tiny sample size culled from a scattershot blast-fax that allowed respondents more than a month to answer their questions. And it seems pretty clear that of the vanishingly small percentage that did actually respond, the vast majority were ideologically sympathetic to the DPMA and had axes in need of grinding. If you look at the survey demographics they provided, you'll see that a full 25 percent of respondents were from the South, which is generally more conservative than the rest of the country.

The survey question is entirely worthless as a barometer of professional medical opinion regarding the Affordable Care Act. Which is likely the reason no one paid it any mind when DPMA released it last month. But then the dim bulbs at the Breitbart empire picked it up, followed by the Daily Caller and Drudge, leading to its inevitable appearance on Fox News this morning. It's a uniquely awful survey, but it served up a shocking, headline-friendly number, which is why it's driving the right-wing media's coverage of health care policy.
Attacking the data, in this case, would mean attacking the poll -- regarding which, see this from Media Matters (a source that has credibility).

Lol your a fucking idiot saying media matters has credibility that's like me saying cow shit in my back 40 has media credibility.
Lol your a fucking idiot saying media matters has credibility that's like me saying cow shit in my back 40 has media credibility.

If you don't like media matters simply head to google and pick one the many other sites that have debunked this obviously crap poll.

83% of Americans cant agree that the grass is green, anyone who saw this poll and thought "seems legit", needs to get out of the house more often.
If you don't like media matters simply head to google and pick one the many other sites that have debunked this obviously crap poll.

83% of Americans cant agree that the grass is green, anyone who saw this poll and thought "seems legit", needs to get out of the house more often.

I already said I think all polls are shit doesn't matter if it's liberal are conservative there going to say what that group wants. Back in the day polls had Carter mopping the floor with Ronnie boy month before the election we know how useful them polls where.

Talking about doctors getting out of obama care point less obama care might never see the light of day still two years away and a lot more lawsuits.
Yes I know, but to be really fair the article says "random." So let them prove otherwise.

You really should investigate the concept of the logical fallacy of the small sample size.

This outfit ginned up a poll that agrees with your preconceived notion, so you'll defend it tirelessly.

We're not laughing with you, we're laughing at you, you dumb son of a bitch.
Did anyone ask these soon to be unemployed doctors what their plans might be? Are all these medicos ready to live off their investments, or do they all buy riding mowers and start a lawn service?
You really should investigate the concept of the logical fallacy of the small sample size.

This outfit ginned up a poll that agrees with your preconceived notion, so you'll defend it tirelessly.

We're not laughing with you, we're laughing at you, you dumb son of a bitch.

Yes I know, but to be really fair the article says "random." So let them prove otherwise.

But the study of how the poll was conducted indicates that 'random' means, "those who felt strong enough about it to take time to return the survey".

I receive surveys in the mail from the NRA on a regular basis, asking directed questions about whether I support various gun control plans. I never bother to return these, as they are not true surveys. These surveys are meaningless.

I have been surveyed by telephone several times, once recently by Nielson (which amused me as I do not own a television) - but even the Nielson questions were relevant regardless of my status as non-audience. This was obviously a random survey from which I could take data for forming opinions.

The survey you are touting as evidence failed to gain the response required to make it valid.