As The Hospital Pervs

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I think I will have to handle that club, you know--- to take it over to security, just while you are here in the hospital. :eek:


You may handle my club, but please don't try to separate it from me.

(You write with great passion about is good.)
You may handle my club, but please don't try to separate it from me.

(You write with great passion about is good.)
Oh! Ok! You can keep the not-so-hidden club under the cool crisp clean white sheet. I know it is there.

Thank you about the writing compliment. It feels good to write about it sometimes because the feelings are complex and amazing. And then at the end of the day, it's just a job.

I might have to funnel that energy into writing about: sex and violence, my other favorite topic.
Who took the keys to the medicine cabinet?

I need to do some exploring for expiration dates and other things. :D
It might contain my rage. I got a 74/100 on my last assignment, and I am angry. I can't even read the red rationale on the correction because the font is so small. I have to print it from the library, tomorrow and decide if I want to argue.
I don't even want to do the math to figure out how to recover the gpa that this professor slashed with the red font. :mad:
I have worked for non-profits where it seemed like I was subordinate to everyone and had to take and process their contradictory instructions.

I did fuss once about the chain of command, but it did no good.
I have worked for non-profits where it seemed like I was subordinate to everyone and had to take and process their contradictory instructions.

I did fuss once about the chain of command, but it did no good.
That is when you take that rank and work it out at home in the bedroom for your own well being.
I guess 'fussing' doesn't change anything. I don't fuss around much.

It's easier to shut the fuck up. I have been known to assume leadership when it benefits others. It is a dynamic I do not fully understand. It is a position of taking control and serving at the same time.

I have been known to shut the fuck up too, but I will open my mouth sometimes.
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