Reinventing AJ

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First on Sunday! Hope you are doing well, beautiful. I'm thinking of you. Sending big hugs. :rose: :kiss:
AJ ~
I got all up in my brother's face last night... defending you and your team... then I had a moment and realized "Buckeyes, Buckeyes... that's Ohio, not Iowa." Proceeded to have a gut busting laugh at myself. :D

Enjoy the games today if you have the time.
I'll be thinking of you all day today... and especially tomorrow!!!!
Love you... :kiss:
you do know how to drive me crazy.

Good evening sweet princess. Hope your day went well?

good morning sweet princess. My shoulder is always there for you, anytime babe.

hello sweet princess. Thinking of you.

good morning sweet princess.Hope you slept well last night.

Driving people crazy has been my specialty since I was two. *grin* Thanks for your shoulder... just sometimes I have to do this thing on my own. I know where to find you. *hugs you tight*

Be sure to get sunscreen on my front ;)

maybe not, but it got your attention


Tell AJ we miss her and hope she's well, and tell her I'm waiting in just my sarong for the sun tan lotion rub

Hiya girl! I sure did miss flirting with ya!! *warms lotion between hands, rubs on my own bewbies* Now c'mere - I have some lotion to apply *wink*

I think I need to lick my way through a few rounds of connect-the-dots

Hey SEXY AJ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ready to get numb? *wicked evil grin*

Mmm... wrastlin'

Not sure how great a hostess I am... I set up the big party... and then promptly fall sound asleep in the middle of my reply *sigh*

hehe then we can take advantage of you!!!

Me too... sucks mightily!!

And if those flights are an issue, I'll crank up the furnace and buy a sun lamp

AJ ~ I love pink on you!!!

TGIF girl!! Hope you have a good day and slide comfortably into the weekend.

Our sweet Miss AJ asked that I post a message to everyone from her.

She's going to be away from Lit for a few days. She's busy with house stuff and it's proving more difficult and time consuming than she anticipated.

AJ ~ my thoughts are with you during this difficult time. I wish you the strength and energy needed to prevail.*rose*

Saturday smoochies, AJ
I know you're busy dealing with one of life's curveballs right now. Just want you to know I'm thinking of you.

AJ ~
I got all up in my brother's face last night... defending you and your team... then I had a moment and realized "Buckeyes, Buckeyes... that's Ohio, not Iowa." Proceeded to have a gut busting laugh at myself.

Enjoy the games today if you have the time.
I'll be thinking of you all day today... and especially tomorrow!!!!
Love you...

thanks sweetie for looking after me so well... you are the best girlfriend EVER! MWAH!

Wish I could have been there to help you get those panties wet.

Good morning AJ. Have a wonderful day.

Thanks Jack! I'm sure you'll get another pair wet soon.. but today, as you reminded me is panty free Monday!! *wink*



Oh, I definitely would have helped you out, sweetie

What a great friend you are! So helpful! *kiss*

ummmmm...... Likes2WatchU and AJ in a pool of baby oil??



Hoping you are having a grand weekend!

only one thing better than Likes and I in a pool of baby oil... having papa with us!! then I could get my hands on lil' Cali! *licks lips* Thanks for your friendship dear - you are one in a million

I'm sorry I missed that

well ready before getting to the river :devil:

Hey... been forever since we caught up - how are things in your world? I thought of you yesterday, packing up the last of the things from mom and dad's house. Had to grab the wall hanging of Ireland, divided by counties.

Yumm!! *hugs and super gropes*

Oh, I've checked him out... a lot

Hey sexy lady!
Hope you're having a good weekend.

Thinkin' of ya *kiss*

Girl - you have to share when you come across guys like that!!! You hold out! Naughty, naughty girl!! *spanks you - ass and hmmm... inside of your thighs before I ....*

Good morning, beautiful! Big hugs to you today. {{{{{}}}}}

First on Sunday! Hope you are doing well, beautiful. I'm thinking of you. Sending big hugs.

Let's keep her in our thoughts.

This insomniac is missing you, sweetie. Hope all is well. *kiss*

Thanks Brad - you are such a wonderful friend. I love you - hope we can catch up soonly.


...when you hear yelling in 20 minutes west of you just know its just this old borg... special time with PT and doc... so I know there will be a lot of PAIN...leave you with hugs kisses


Eeek... neither of the games Saturday were worth watching!! Blah blah blah. Talk to you after the holiday honey. Love you.

AJ my wonderful AJ xxxxxx oh to be giving yer lovely ass a right good spanking *heart* xxxx

It is so good to see you lovely - glad you are home and recovering... had my special angel looking out for you. My ass is always available for your spankings... they are extra special and the way you rub after... :devil:

Thanks. I confess I'm a little concerned that my thumbnails remain on IV. The whole point of using the service was to have control over the content. Oh well - a lesson learned and a caution for others.

and yes - I can always use a hand with my back!

can you contact that site administrator and have them take them down?
Now about that bath? bubbles?

AJ, as always we miss you when you're gone and love when you're here.

Awww.... you were gone way longer than me - out of sight - never out of mind. *kiss*

Wow!! You're delicious!! I want one of ;)

I'm the only one of me that i know but that comment made me grin! My husband may advise you against getting one like me!! Unless you like a lot of sex... *grin*

Happy weekend, sugar!

Lit's sweetheart and newest superstar - gracing my thread - love ya girl!

I finally made it by? I have been by for a couple months sexy lady!

Oh i know you have been around... I just meant it was nice to have you post on the thread. :)

Its not the same, a Sunday, football, and you're not around :(

Thanks sweetie. It wasn't much of a football weekend. But now that chapter of my life is closed, on to reading and writing the next! Think I might need to watch some Mighty Mouse SOON!!!

Sweet Aj, know thinking of YOU.
All my :heart:

Thank you darling Emmy... you are such warmth and sunshine.

Beautiful pictures!
Thanks so much

Thank you for saying so - it means a lot to me when people take the time to comment and don't just lurk

Also thinking of you...

Thanks M... thoughts are always appreciated.

nice pics hun.

Thank you and thanks for stopping by!
Today at 1:30 CST the home that has been my place of comfort since I was 6 changes ownership. I was there from Wed to Sun - I just couldn't bring myself to leave.

The new owners are a young family and I know they will make many memories of their own there.

Thanks to all of you for your continued support and love...

New pics tonight!! :kiss: :heart: :devil: (AJ's always lurking in here somewhere!!)
Today at 1:30 CST the home that has been my place of comfort since I was 6 changes ownership. I was there from Wed to Sun - I just couldn't bring myself to leave.

The new owners are a young family and I know they will make many memories of their own there.

Thanks to all of you for your continued support and love...

New pics tonight!! :kiss: :heart: :devil: (AJ's always lurking in here somewhere!!)

Thinking about you AJ :kiss:
Hey... been forever since we caught up - how are things in your world? I thought of you yesterday, packing up the last of the things from mom and dad's house. Had to grab the wall hanging of Ireland, divided by counties.

All 32 of them lol
Hope all is good with you sweetie:kiss::rose:
Today at 1:30 CST the home that has been my place of comfort since I was 6 changes ownership. I was there from Wed to Sun - I just couldn't bring myself to leave.

The new owners are a young family and I know they will make many memories of their own there.

Thanks to all of you for your continued support and love...

New pics tonight!! :kiss: :heart: :devil: (AJ's always lurking in here somewhere!!)

That's a very hard break to make sweetie:(
I wish you luck and I'm sure the young family will enjoy the happiness stored in that home from you and yours:kiss:

I'm so glad you got the chance to say farewell to your childhood home. It must have felt so much different once it was all empty and you all grown up.

I love the thought of your home welcoming a young, new family... the chance for new beginnings and more happy memories.

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