Canada from Eh to Zed

I'm an american now living in Canada! Interesting this Canada thread came up in BDSM.... my father in law has made a couple awkward BDSM jokes at big family events a couple times now... maybe people here are way more kinkier than I thought! ...although that shouldn't be a surprise, my wife seems like a nice "good girl" on the outside, but we have wild fun in bed!;)
I'm an american now living in Canada! Interesting this Canada thread came up in BDSM.... my father in law has made a couple awkward BDSM jokes at big family events a couple times now... maybe people here are way more kinkier than I thought! ...although that shouldn't be a surprise, my wife seems like a nice "good girl" on the outside, but we have wild fun in bed!;)

Hey transplanted Vancouverite! I hope my fellow Canucks have been welcoming you with open arms. Got a favourite sushi restaurant yet? Walked the sea wall in Stanley Park? How about that rush hour traffic? Fun stuff, eh? ;)

But seriously, if you haven't done so already, make a pilgrimage to "Cupcake" on Denman street. You'll be so glad you did!

I think Canucks are kinky because of all those months we spend indoors, trying to find ways to amuse ourselves :devil:
Keroin, I completely dig your sig line. I wonder, if Michael ever bought the sweater he planned on getting.

That was a beverage spew moment when he uttered the bit in my sig line. I also liked how he pronounced it Ca-NA-da.

Canada's cool.

Some would even say it is "cold" but that's relative. People from the Antarctic find our country quite balmy.

I mean, how can you hate anyone who promotes local food and makes pies?


Thanks for stopping by Missy, make sure to take a DOUGHnut on the way out! :)
<==== Currently wearing a toque. It's chilly in here.

<==== HUGE Rush fan. Seen them many times in concert.

<==== Long-time Bob & Doug fan.

The Leafs? Win? Oh please, don't ask those sorts of questions when I have a mouth full of liquid.

Leafs don't win. Everybody knows that.
<==== Currently wearing a toque. It's chilly in here.

<==== HUGE Rush fan. Seen them many times in concert.

<==== Long-time Bob & Doug fan.

Oh go on, take a doughnut...and I've marked you down for 10 bonus points just because you're wearing a toque. But if you were here in person I'd make you do the Bob & Doug "call", just to confirm your fandom. :)

But seriously, thanks, sorry and have a nice day!:)
Please explain curling?????

I have found myself watching it, but I have no clue what exactly is going on...
Please explain curling?????

I have found myself watching it, but I have no clue what exactly is going on...

You get those tubular spongy things, roll you hair on them, stuck your head in a hot air blowing helmet thing and you are done!

Or for a modern version you can use a curling iron.


please take turns with the stoning, thank you ;)
Oh go on, take a doughnut...and I've marked you down for 10 bonus points just because you're wearing a toque. But if you were here in person I'd make you do the Bob & Doug "call", just to confirm your fandom. :)

But seriously, thanks, sorry and have a nice day!:)

Kooooo-roo-kookoo coco kooKOO!
A lot of my professors come from or have studied in Canada. They do a lot of psychology research up in that place.

I've thought about doing grad school their, maybe even living in Vancouver, when I'm old and angry. Or slightly before then.

And isnt fetlife Canadian?

My pharmacology prof was Canadian and one of the toughest I had.

And yes, I'm pretty sure it is! :)
i have a Canadian confession to make, and this seems like the place to do it...okay, here goes...*deep breath*...

i wanna take the Anne of Green Gables tour on Prince Edward Island (!! there, i said it, dangit! after reading the books and seeing the films as an adolescent, i absolutely fell in love with the scenery and Canadian homespunishness of the place. i want to ride a Victorian bicycle in my hoop skirts through the humble streets of Cavendish, and run through the fields writing love letters on tree stumps...

my question for Keroin would be, as both an american and a person of light cocoa complexion, would i be welcomed on this magical island? while i understand it's not America, there won't be any rocks thrown or being spat upon...but can i expect being ogled in shock and wonder, and having my photo taken to show the folks back home?
I've been to Winnipeg (is it safe to venture any further north?) and saw people who were really...I mean really into lawn bowling. I thought it was a little strange. Of course I was only 9 at the time and this was 1962. OK I'm old, but is that still so popular up there, or has Curling taken over, eh?

When I visited my parents this summer we spent most of the day playing bocce (lawn bowling)

I got one hell of a sunburn too, and my son won most of the games (apparently anyone over the age of 13 couldn't throw worth a damn, and we lost the jack more times than not)

Then I went back home to far northern alberta, and sweated half to death in the 34C heat (not bra size Lol)

This winter we had -48C days. its no wonder people think Canuks are insane!
For some reason memories of that TV series "Due South" have just popped into my head. I LOVED that TV series (and lusted after the Mountie... he was so.... capable and dominant, yet POLITE lol).
A little thank you to K for her work in this thread to help us Americans understand our northern neighbors.

Fiiiiiive golden toques!

Ah, a Canadian Xmas classic.

Canuck lover here, southern Ontario branch.

A fine people.

Those Easterners know how to party, no doot aboot it.

Welcome Rosco!

Please explain curling?????

I have found myself watching it, but I have no clue what exactly is going on...

And that's the whole idea.

You get those tubular spongy things, roll you hair on them, stuck your head in a hot air blowing helmet thing and you are done!

Or for a modern version you can use a curling iron.

please take turns with the stoning, thank you ;)

Cheeky monkey! We don't throw rocks in Canada, that would be rude.

Have a nice day! :)

Kooooo-roo-kookoo coco kooKOO!

Dude! Another 5 bonus points and a hockey stick signed by Gordie Howe for you amigo!

My pharmacology prof was Canadian and one of the toughest I had

We take our drugs seriously here.

i have a Canadian confession to make, and this seems like the place to do it...okay, here goes...*deep breath*...

i wanna take the Anne of Green Gables tour on Prince Edward Island (!! there, i said it, dangit! after reading the books and seeing the films as an adolescent, i absolutely fell in love with the scenery and Canadian homespunishness of the place. i want to ride a Victorian bicycle in my hoop skirts through the humble streets of Cavendish, and run through the fields writing love letters on tree stumps...

my question for Keroin would be, as both an american and a person of light cocoa complexion, would i be welcomed on this magical island? while i understand it's not America, there won't be any rocks thrown or being spat upon...but can i expect being ogled in shock and wonder, and having my photo taken to show the folks back home?

Ah, Anne of Green Gables, quite possibly the only Canadian television show to crack a thousand viewers, lol. Seriously well done.

I have a couple of friends from PEI, they said it's hilarious to watch the hordes of Japanese tourists who buy Anne wigs and sport them around town.

As for your question, OSG, maritimers love EVERYONE and I do mean everyone. Bring a 2-4 of brewskis with you to hand out as gifts and your skin could be purple with lime green stripes and they wouldn't notice. Believe it or not, we do have people of colour in this country...well, maybe not in Red Deer Alberta, but everywhere else you should be fine.

When I visited my parents this summer we spent most of the day playing bocce (lawn bowling)

I got one hell of a sunburn too, and my son won most of the games (apparently anyone over the age of 13 couldn't throw worth a damn, and we lost the jack more times than not)

Then I went back home to far northern alberta, and sweated half to death in the 34C heat (not bra size Lol)

This winter we had -48C days. its no wonder people think Canucks are insane!

We're not insane?

Bocce! I love bocce!!!!

The BoobTube version doesn't count darlin' ...

AA, I think I've found my new favourite song, thanks! 10 bonus points and a plate of poutine for you!

"We keep our girls banging with a full mouth of teeth"...classic.

Canada's Really Big.
Seriously, it's the name of the song. Good group. They're Canadian.

Size does matter, yes. :)

I better give you 10 bonus points and a gallon of maple syrup for that gem, Chy!

For some reason memories of that TV series "Due South" have just popped into my head. I LOVED that TV series (and lusted after the Mountie... he was so.... capable and dominant, yet POLITE lol).

You should watch Corner Gas. Corny but in a lovable Canuck way.

All time favourite Canadian TV show was Kids in the Hall. Go terri, go terri, go

Ooh, I hate you guys. I believe, dammit!

*Pats MS on the head*

Yes, and maybe Santa will bring you a pony and world peace for Xmas this year, too.
I got your beaver right here...

How does a country choose a national symbol? I’m no historian, (though I do watch the History Channel when there’s no curling on), but I think that a national symbol should reflect the character of the citizens of the country it represents.

Take the bald eagle, for example…


A majestic animal, awe inspiring, fierce and noble.

Now let’s consider Canada’s national symbol…


Nuff said?

Yes, here in Canada, we love our beaver so much we made it our national symbol. But you haven’t really “made it” in Canada until you’ve appeared on a beer commercial.

Or two.

Rock on you buck-toothed, wood chewing, tail-flapping, water-dwelling, nationally-significant rodent