A time to live and a place to die

dog heaven

Someone from Lint send the above image to Dollparts.

Nevermind, she'd probably just eat it.
The internet is slowly running out of images.

That I have not seen.

My own picture:

a black, foggy night
a fire
green/blue plaid flannel pj's
white t
blue sweater
gray, wool sox
clear handled mug w/
- 3 oz 7-up
- 9 oz smirnoff
- 3 cubes of ice
a missing heart

then, maybe sleep
Your use of the multiguote makes me want to rip your lungs out, Jim.

Other than that, I'm generally ambivalent.
"What is it that has hit you so hard? The unexpectedness?", she asked.


It's the finality.

And the void.
"Do you think you will ever see her again?", he asked.

(Well, she is 97 and until you asked,
it hadn't crossed my mind,
and now I must be sad.)

she thought.


"There is always a chance."

she said.
"He looks good, don't you think?", she said.

"I half expect him to sit up and yell, "shut the fuck up!"
He always hated these things.
The things people say out of nervousness,
and the fear of silence in a room with a dead person lying about.
What you mean is he doesn't look like he's in the early stages of decay,
or the ravages of disease have been covered sufficiently with Revlon products.
Yes, I know I'm being terse.
Death scares the bejesus out of me.

Let's go get a beer.", he said.
"He was the eldest brother of the radish lady.", she added.

"How does one become the radish lady?", he asked.

"She always would bring a bowl of radishes on food day.
No one really eats radishes anymore, except Betty."

"Betty sounds like someone who would eat radishes.
She looks really old.
We'll be doing this again soon, won't we?", he said.

"Yeah, a beer sounds good.
But slow.
I think death and tequila go better together.", she said.

"I love you! When I go, I want to be made up like the Joker."
"Don't think I'll be stepping out in front of a train for you", he said.

"Honey, did I ask you to?" she said. "I just think it's incredibly sad, that's all."

"That's good, because death by train, shark attack, and disembowelment, are off my preferred ways to die list. Besides, we can't afford nursing homes."

"Pass me an afghan, my legs are cold," she said.

"You want the Amtrak one, or the nursing home one?"

"Shut up!"
I had dinner with the Radish Lady just the other day. It was a surprise birthday party for Totally Androgynous Pat, which is a separate story, but in general, it's never a good idea to surprise an old person.

The Radish Lady drives a Mustang convertible, silver gray, the color not unlike her thin, gray hair. A storm was coming but she didn't bother to put up the top. I was still too mentally shaken by the image of an eighty-ish lady rumbling up in a muscle car to comment on the weather.

Anyway, short story, the guest of honor finally arrived and started crying and announced that the party was the last thing she wanted for her birthday.

The bright spot of the evening- no one died.
msN died last night in dream.

She drowned.

I kicked her body with my toe,
treading water.
And immediately woke up.

I think it is the first time I have killed her off in dream.
I think I would remember.
But not necessarily.

She kills me off frequently,
so she's way ahead,
in the dream killing department.