Loving & Playful

a very sexy lassie, you are indeed. grab you and give you a hug... a sweet kiss.. dance with me you sexy thing...

I must tell you ... you better run... I plan to do naughty things to you... first have you remove your bra... as I want to feel your nipples as we dance... and yes remove your knickers... off with you return and hand them to me... or go and keep yourself a swett innocent angel.



Naughty Fred...

well are you??? waiting... for my dance but first bra and knickes?....

hugs kisses


MrsStumps... yes I was very naughty... I will go to your room ... will undress .. and wait for you to show me the right way...



Nothing is sexier than a fine big woman, i love biting those tig ol bitties. Request for some toy / playing shots? XD

thanks for making it a beautiful morning again! oh what i'd do for even a small taste of you.
dawg-gone it. got up this morning just sure there would be a new pic to liven up my day. oh well, lefthanded bump just the same.
merry christmas to mr and mrs!