Young Man Trying Not To Lose Faith In Women


Really Really Experienced
Nov 8, 2001
I just dont understand women anymore.

Im looking now to talk to someone trade advice, stories, sex talk, whatever whoever. Leave a note on this thread or PM me. If anyone wants more details about me Ill wait till someone asks.

What happened to cause you to lose faith in women???
Pretty much a girl i really liked a felt a lot for, we started dating a bit and moved kinda fast cause everything seemed to click. She told me she loved to hug me and kissing me seemed "just right". She lives right across the street for me so hanging out was easy and whatnot. Then she tells me after like 2 weeks that she just wants to be friends for abit while she tries being single cause she hasnt been single for 4 years really(dates a lot of guys) But she said when she wanted to start dating Id be the guy she would be looking for. All this time I was 100% honest about everything, treated her great, paid for a couple of dinners. Last week I asked her if she just "wanted to be single for awhile" was a nice way of blowing me off. She said no, I asked again yesterday and she yes she didnt want to date me. Im looking to settle down with a girl, I was honest, caring, sensitive. My friends tell me Im a catch (of course) This girl even got me to agree and to believe no sex until we're in love (which i know is better then casual sex) Everytime i felt about a girl this way Ive falling in love with them later down the line.

Now I just got to think what girl ever wants me? Im everything a girl "supposely" says she wants. You know the dependable, sensitive, intelligent guy. Not your everday asshole. How am I suppose to trust women when all i see is them going after known asshole and dissing me cause I was actually truthful about my feelings and loyal to them.
She seems like a player. and a real bitch if you ask me, which you didn't.

Let her have what she seeks, people learn from their own mistakes, she will have to in this instance.

All woman aren't like that.
Sure, some girls want to be treated mean *gag* but you cant brand all women with that label. that's like saying that all men want nice, gentle, quiet, prissy house-wife types, but its just not true. if it were true then why are all the slutty, loud ones getting dates ???

People are made up of different shapes and sizes, people don't want the same thing as their neighbour, their co-workers, if that were the case then we would all be fighting for the same person. But we aren't.

You may think that you're giving up hope, and you may even be willing to give up hope in order to save yourself from being hurt again, but as long as your heart is beating, as long as your heart pumps blood through your body it'll want to be loved... trust me, I know of where I speak.
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It's not just women who are difficult. Falling in love is like jumping off a cliff. You really don't know if anyone will care or not. I know that sounds harsh, but in this world nothing is certain, expect for death and taxes as the saying goes.....Keep the faith brother, there's someone out there for you. Don't fall in love with that girl. It's only going to be a headache.Kalvin. :)

Id just like to thank everyone who responded to this thread. Its nice that real people are out there.

Ive been given the advice to go for older women. Does anything have a though on this?

I personally wouldnt know how to approach a older woman unless its online and on lit many older women dont see really receptive.
No problem, glad to help (if I am)

Older woman ?? Well, I've ALWAYS went after older women, it wasnt intentional, just turned out that way. I've found that most young ladies are just too stuck up their own asses, most dont think twice about your feelings, they give shallowness a bad name.

My ex was a year and a half older than me, and a better woman you could not wish to find.

No women in this place seem receptive. :LOL:
Ya you were helpful, and she was a bitch. I need a woman who knows what she wants. Its going to be one hell of a search.
sad but true


I second the fact that she is a bitch

and I raise a money grubbing gold digging hag!

better off without her.
Not all women are like that... and I've met a few men that were just as bad. Just be patient, I know that is asking for a lot, but the right woman will come along and you'll wonder why you even wasted a thought on this other girl that didn't have what it takes to be a real woman.
Hello bro,

yea women. Can't live with them, can't live without them.


Well bro, for the exp. of my life (which is pretty short) just well i dunno, will sound very ego but look to yourself first of all okay. I don't wanna say that really, but unfortunately it's usually the best you know...

Cause yea, i been through the same thing. I gave up a lot of things for my gurl, spending all my time for her, doing all i could to keep our relationship together when it was breaking at some points, spent cash, hard efforts all the time yea you name it. But in the end, i was the one who got cheated you know?

So actually, im not saying you should only care for yourself, but sometimes just look to what you feel is best for your life okay? Just a piece of advice.
My friends know me best as Dr. Jen....the LOVE therapist! ;)

On a serious note, that was a real crappy thing that girl
did to you.........but if you ever need to talk, need advice,
etc........I'm here....feel free to drop me a PM if you like.
I've been told that I'm a good listener in addition to being
a good talker :)


Just stick in there, as I said.. as long as you have a pulse your heart wont allow you to go unloved.

Well hello Dr Jen. Nice to meet you. *kisses her hand*
People call me Dr Chripper, well thats not stricly true... I call myself Dr Chripper. :p
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women who know what they want....

hi. new here.

yeah, you know how a lot of women say they know what they want? yeah, sometimes it's a subtle hint to let you know they have abso-foocking-lutely no clue as to what it is they want. In such a case, she's looking for you to tell her what she wants. Not a good idea for a gf, unless it's a doormat you want.

On the other hand, there are plenty of assertive women out there who know exactly what they want, how they want it and when they want it--which is always NOW--and will go to great lengths to get it. If it's not you, they'll most likely drop you sooner rather than later, if not having some fun at your expense before doing so, because really, she can. When you let her.

Advice? don't fall too hard for a woman before she has shown any signs of stalker-like behaviour. Chicks dig guys who are distant and don't answer their every beckin' call.