You thought we'd forget huh?


doing it to fuck with you
Apr 7, 2002
Does anyone think that Hanns and Typhon are reminiscent of daterape?
He's a pussy boy loser who harrasses on women to feel big cause he's a wimp loser pussy.
Schizoid/antisocial personality disorder

Although I'm not a licensed practictioner, I can make a pretty good guess.

Dude, get a job, a life, take a class something!!!
Sexy-girl would never post against you and oyu know that, that's why you pick on her, you only pick on wimpy little chicks because you're a pussy ass loser. If I ever meet you I'll put my size 12 boot straight thru your ugly face.
Hanns_Schmidt said:
gangsta wannabie, fat booty bitch

Why are you trying to act gangsta-gangsta being down with snoop

when infact you're a weak trick?

If you knew what I did for a living, it would be my dick you'd be sucking.
I swear you're so familiar.

You'd wet your pants if I looked at you twice.

And don't try insulting me....I can play the dozens with the best of them.
I'm beautiful and you know it....its killing you to admit to it. Its OK I'll keep your secret.