You know what really sucks


Nov 15, 2001
When your hard drive is broke and it takes several days for a replacement to get to your house
Got a spare now. Good thing I was under warranty. Was a free return
woodcarver said:
you know what sucks worse than that? Having over 10 gig of MP3's, picture files and movie files that you never ran a back up on AND then your system crashes. Ohhhhh all that porno gone...gone....and never to come back.

Yah, got mine on 3 different disks, and a cold backup off site. Enterprise backup scheme put to good use!
What is AAA and a Jack. Not to proficient as far as these things go
Vinny said:
What is AAA and a Jack. Not to proficient as far as these things go

Well..... not really trying to speak for the others but I think we got carried away with car talk hehe....

AAA travel agency kinda thing

Jack works with the spare tire.
Vinny said:
When your hard drive is broke and it takes several days for a replacement to get to your house

No, what really sucks is when somebody takes the old broken hard drive, and they repair it, thereby gaining access to any confidential information on it, including your SSN, credit card info, passwords, that sort of thing.
woodcarver said:
Nooooooo Seven goes better with 7-Up and Jack goes over ice,crushed, in a nice glass.

Jack goes on red queen, and black ace goes up.
I got 2 drives and 3 operating systems on a single machine ... I've never been down more then 4 hours
Vinny said:
When your hard drive is broke and it takes several days for a replacement to get to your house
My answer was going to be "me?", but since you've already posted something...
cowgirl heaven said:
Well..... not really trying to speak for the others but I think we got carried away with car talk hehe....

AAA travel agency kinda thing

Jack works with the spare tire.

I thought jack is what I am about to do after seeing this sexy av of yours for the first time
Vinny said:
I thought jack is what I am about to do after seeing this sexy av of yours for the first time

You are teasing..... but I'll take it anyway. It's not near as provocative as many others here but it's me and it's all I want to share right now;)

You can be my handyman jack anytime;)
I think you are sexy. By any chance are you in Texas<hugs>