You gotta laugh at the Paly's

Cookie Monster is a puppet, not a costume.

Fuck off, Hanns.
Hanns_Schmidt said:
Cookie monster has no strings attached

Unlike you

<pulls the string>

do a jig for Hanns

Did your "Ignore" function stop working, Hanns?

Hanns_Schmidt said:
Prime Minister Ariel Sharon said Thursday that with the implementation of the plan proposed by President George W. Bush, Israel would create a contiguous area of territory in the West Bank that would allow the Palestinians to travel from Jenin to Hebron without passing any Israeli roadblocks.

Speaking to a meeting of news editors in Tel Aviv, Sharon said that this arrangement would be accomplished with a combination of tunnels and bridges. On Wednesday, the prime minister said that he would allow this to take palce only after an end to the terror and the replacement of the current Palestinian leadership.

Here is Ariel Sharon, as Barak did....starting to kick off the Palestinian state with "contiguous Palestinian territory in W. Bank"

In the second stage of this plan, he said, "Israel will allow the establishment of a Palestinian state with temporary borders." later to become permanent, The prime minister said those temporary borders would include Areas A and B, representing 42 percent of the West Bank, "except for areas vital for security."

The Palestinian response?..."This is unacceptable to us"

If it's anything like the other Israeli so-called plans to implemet a Palestinian State, I'm not surprise they said no...

You can't be independent when your communications, water and electricity are reliant on the good will of an invader...

The Camp David fiasco is a case in point where the Palestinians were not to be in charge of their own utilities, their 'state' was in fact to be 7 seperate areas. Travel between them was only to be made with Israeli permission.

This sound like just another case of Sharon saying "Look, we offer them all this and they still refuse it..."

And George just proves again how easy it is for America to be pushed around by Israel...

If it's anything like the other Israeli so-called plans that is...

Hanns_Schmidt said:
War of attrition is being won by Israel, slowly but surely

Don't you mean the Israeli invasion?

I wouldn't be too sure of that...

Hanns_Schmidt said:

55 years and what have they got?...some waste land aka The West Bank, is that what you call an invasion?

If the arabs had only asked nicely "can we have back the land we lost when we attacked you in 67"

You oviously haven't heard of those creeping vermon...

The Israeli settlers...

Israeli invasion? Get real. The only thing I will say is Israel will succeeed and the terrorist Palestinians will die
Hanns_Schmidt said:
Land it won when the united arab machine attacked and failed

The settlers are well beyond that point now...
