You Don't Know Your Ass From Your Elbow!

what a fun lil quiz.....i got 12/14.....funnnnnn!

nice to see you, are Thing 1 and Thing 2? :)
I missed two. Of course none of them were MY ass or elbows. lol I'm pretty sure I'd know them without fail.

Happy New Year Mr. Peale.
Wow, I'm more ass savvy than Ginny! I got a 13/14.

Bob, I thought of your little ones over Xmas... my mom made my older sister and I thing Tshirts. Of course, because I'm younger, I just had to be #2, something I may never live down.
WHOOOHOO! 13/14.

I always knew I was an ass man. Not that there is anything wrong with elbows, you know what I mean. . .