I'll do you one better than that. Send me your email address to fgarvb1@yahoo.com and i will send you a free program and instructions to do it yourself.
I collect freeware. I don't think it is proper to post that kind of link anymore on the BB.
I downloaded the program and saved the web page with the instructions. the hands-on tutorial may even work.
The program is from a well known web site that is a class act in its own right.
The folder size is 877kb. Just double click on the exe file.
I have ran it through Norton AV, but you should also.
The program name is Infranview and i know it does JPEG.
email it to the address in my profile, and I will run it through photoshop, and I can even animate it, if you know what you would like animated, depending on of course how complex that task is. I can ad words, glowing text, and alot more. Being a graphic artist sure has it's benefits you know...