Would you date a guy with a physical disability?

There's nothing wrong with a person with disabilities. Just because someone has special needs, it doesn't mean that they're a person too. They deserve to be loved just as much as everyone else!
There's nothing wrong with a person with disabilities. Just because someone has special needs, it doesn't mean that they're a person too. They deserve to be loved just as much as everyone else!

Yep what she said!
Thank you for what you ladies have said! I have a rare nerve disorder and causes Me deep intense pain. So grown to use and understand pain. But is also taking away My muscle control in My legs. So I walk with cane and not the best. Just glad that people still can see the person for who they are. Not just looks or problems. Had to say that meant a lot to hear that on here.
agree what she said. Its the end of the day its what their personality is like :)

Agree. Just like anyone else, if the personality sucks, whatever else the person has or doesn't have, doesn't mean much.
There are some disabilities which aren’t visible to the naked eye, so yes I would. Ultimately though, I look for a match in areas such as spiritual, emotional, mental, etc., connections
I know this is an old post but provided we got along otherwise, sure!
Buddy of mine who is disabled has such a hard time dating. Really good dude too. Most people say right things but the reality is a different story sadly. Good luck to you.
Buddy of mine who is disabled has such a hard time dating. Really good dude too. Most people say right things but the reality is a different story sadly. Good luck to you.

That's not necessarily true, it may be a bit more difficult to find someone who'd look beyond a physical challenge, but it's certainly not unheard of. I'm positive most people on this board currently knows or has met such a couple.
That's not necessarily true, it may be a bit more difficult to find someone who'd look beyond a physical challenge, but it's certainly not unheard of. I'm positive most people on this board currently knows or has met such a couple.

Maybe you are right but just seen him struggle for years.
I know this is an old thread, but I think it's an important one.

I married a man with a physical disability: he was aways open about it with me, from the start of our dating life. His condition is neurological and degenerative, meaning we know how it will go and, likely, how things will end. It's just part of our journey together.

Being with my partner has been so good for me: he has taught me so much about being strong, staying strong, and enjoying the good times and the little pleasures in life. I try not to think about life without him, but planning for the future is part of our journey too ...

I wish those of you looking all the very best ...