Women cry about slut-shaming but few have any problem shaming men.


バクスター の
Apr 3, 2010
Women routinely engage in many acts of shaming, some of which is on the level of slut-shaming. Typically this happens whenever you disagree with a woman.

Examples include:

  • Penis size shaming. Remember how women are now clamoring to raise awareness about the body-type shaming of women?
  • Fat shaming.
  • Manliness (or perceived lack thereof) shaming. Remember how women demand the right to escape society's definitions of feminine looks or behavior? Women do not afford this same freedom to men.
  • Rape & Violence victim-shaming. (Making fun of men if they come out as victims of violence or molestation/rape. Making fun of the idea of men being raped, mutilated, etc.)
  • Virgin shaming. For every man who calls a woman a slut for wanting birth control, easily FIVE women accuse men of being unable to get laid - typically in the midst of an argument.
  • (Related to #5) Loneliness shaming.
  • Insecurity shaming. (This, despite women in general being NOTORIOUSLY insecure.)
  • Height-shaming. (short men)
  • Poverty-shaming. In an era where women are trying to raise awareness of the plight of poor women, many women routinely make fun of men that are poor, or make fun of men that they accuse of being poor.
  • Status/Group identity-shaming. (Nerds, geeks, etc.)
Feminists (particularly radical feminists) want to shut the hell up at this point because you know I’m right and I can cite BILLIONS OF EXAMPLES.

I see nobody here has even tried to claim that my statements were wrong.

All you can do is attack me for saying it.

My point stands uncontested because it is in fact totally flawless. Take note of this, MRA's who find this thread via google search.

Can I do whatever I want with him??

Like lock him in a room full of rabid feminists who will shout extreme feminist propaganda and literature at him, poking him with a cattle prod to the nuts every time he tries to go unconscious in self defence??
There'll be a bunch of dead women in under a minute. And then you, too, afterwards, considering that you are too incompetent to build a room that could hold a house cat, much less me.

Oh wait, I'm sorry, you'll never even try to do anything to me.