Wolf Larsen & Shakespeare Making Love


Nov 20, 2005
Canto 16
by Wolf Larsen
But why whippy-doopity-do you a smiley way?
Make mind voyages upon this ha ha ha trip, and Time?
And your multiple heRe-&-thEre-&-awaY-perSonaLities are all in disarray
With cuCuMbeR-vaGiNa-rhYthMs more blessed than raspberry rhymes?
Now stand you in deep hot butter in the middle of this giant frying pan,
Amidst this meandering garden of lost intellectuals
With polite serial-killer wishes whispering everywhere,
Much more zippier than your pussy could ever o-o-o-o-o-h on my tongue!
So should the lines of cocaine & poetry fly through the generations...
Which this, Time's pencil, or my phallic pen of jazz,
Neither inwards towards the great winds of death & time, nor outwards in nuclear time belches...
Can make you zOng-hYper-fwa!ang yourself.
To give yourself to so many well-endowed devils keeps you so very happy!
And you must die before you live, drawn by the pen of Genghis Khan with the sweetest skill.
Copyright 2012 by Wolf Larsen

Sonnet XVI
by William Shakespeare
But wherefore do not you a mightier way
Make war upon this bloody tyrant, Time?
And fortify yourself in your decay
With means more blessed than my barren rhyme?
Now stand you on the top of happy hours, 5
And many maiden gardens yet unset
With virtuous wish would bear your living flowers,
Much liker than your painted counterfeit:
So should the lines of life that life repair,
Which this, Time's pencil, or my pupil pen, 10
Neither in inward worth nor outward fair,
Can make you live yourself in eyes of men.
To give away yourself keeps yourself still,
And you must live, drawn by your own sweet skill. 14
now wolfie, wherever did you get this idea? I got bored halfway through 1 mutation, are you going to make us suffer 155 (or whatever)
how about sticking in one thread
or better submit to newpoems??!!!!!!!
Wolf, just open a thread and place all your Shakespeare inspired poems instead of multiple threads for individual poems. If you do this, you will have a collection of your poems in one place and you won't have to go searching for them all over the forum.
Canto 17

Canto 17
by Wolf Larsen
Who will believe my toenails in times to come? Who will hallucinate my verses with me?
And now imagine your pussy fill'd with my warm creamy desserts,
Though yikes! Sluts in heaven! It is a merry tomb!
Which hides your testicle philosophies, and shows not half your christian evangelist boobs!
If I could write the beauty of your buttocks
While in fresh diarrhea written on manuscripts all the poets sing your graces,
The age to come explodes with burning poetry, and the Poet lies buried under all the stars & moons of his poems:
Such heavenly touches with delirious paintbrushes!
So should my insane universes of words burst supernovas everywhere!
And be scorn'd like talking philosophical pigeons with Baroque tongues,
While your sacrificial rites be performed with poet's diarrhea & blood & piss
In a stretched vagina with 1,000,000 doorways:
But were some LSD creations of yours alive at that time?
That's why you should live through 10 generations as 10 different people!
Copyright 2012 by Wolf Larsen

Sonnet XVII
by William Shakespeare
Who will believe my verse in time to come,
If it were fill'd with your most high deserts?
Though yet, heaven knows, it is but as a tomb
Which hides your life and shows not half your parts.
If I could write the beauty of your eyes 5
And in fresh numbers number all your graces,
The age to come would say 'This poet lies:
Such heavenly touches ne'er touch'd earthly faces.'
So should my papers yellow'd with their age
Be scorn'd like old men of less truth than tongue, 10
And your true rights be term'd a poet's rage
And stretched metre of an antique song:
But were some child of yours alive that time,
You should live twice; in it and in my rhyme. 14