Why looney liberals like Coolvile, PPMan and Rednut


Literotica Guru
Jul 28, 2002
protect the bad guys and hate America.


An international group of left-wing thinkers and writers were horrified by the election of George W. Bush as president of the USA. They felt that by all rights, Al Gore had won the election. The fiasco of the Florida recounts left them frustrated. The Democrats, the enlightened and rightful rulers of the USA, had been wrongly denied of power.

They therefore sought out similarly aggrieved parties. Osama bin Laden and his organization, Al-Qa’ida, had been fighting against the American imperialistic presence in the Middle East for some years. Now it is well known that thanks to American imperialism, there is no pan-Islamic state in the Middle East, and hence no peace and justice in the Middle East. The international left-wing organizations thought up a daring plan: if only Al-Qa’ida were to attack the USA where it most hurts and give it the bloody nose it richly deserves, Bush would be revealed for the weak clown he is and forced to resign from office, the Republicans would be disgraced, and a new election the Democrats would regain their rightful leadership.

To this end, the World Left set out to provide strategic support to Al-Qa’ida in every way possible. They encouraged the free movement of peoples throughout Europe, crying “racism” every time the scepter of Islamic terror was raised. They encouraged Middle-Eastern dictators such as Bashar Al-Asad and Saddam Hussein to obtain weapons, and allowed them to use them with impunity. They turned a blind eye to the acts of regimes such as the Taliban, or the activities of organizations such as Hizbullah and Hamas, even when they massacred children. Rather, they decried the USA and its Middle-Eastern puppet Israel at every possible opportunity.

When the attack came, and 3000 civilians were slaughtered, the Left were quick to point out that in fact America was to blame, and to insist that it ought not to respond. After all, war is the old fashioned and old fascist way of dealing with disputes, and Europe has progressed beyond such primitive means. However, rather than buckling at the knees, Bush proved himself capable of leading his nation to war and winning. The Left was now in a quandary: how could they achieve their aims? The only way, it seemed, as to imply that Bush himself was a party to the September 11th Massacre. It was not too late to show the world how wicked Bush really is.

All this sounds a little far-fetched, I know, but it is the only explanation I can come up with for the bizarre support that the Left has shown for Bin Laden, and the incredible lengths to which they have gone to exonerate him and his Islamic Fundamentalist followers from blame for these murderous attacks. The latest example of this is Gore Vidal’s ludicrous claims in this Sunday’s Observer. I can only conclude that they themselves are somehow implicated in the whole affair, and are now engaged in a huge cover-up. I don’t normally subscribe to the Conspiracy Theory of History, but this time I’m really stumped; I just cannot come up with a better explanation
Hey cool! I got mentioned in a thread title! didn't read the post, of course... can't fuel the redneck fundamentalist's desires, can we? But it doesn't matter if they talk bad about you, doesn't make a difference if they can't handle criticism and instead cast juvenile insults about the playground - just as long as they talk about you!

just look at hannnns_schmidt!
Where have you been BB? The Liberal Democrats are the party of DEAD people. Osama's one of them now...

I think the mindset of the party leadership is quite evident and further sign of why the Democratic party is about to have a fallout between the Socialists and everyone else left in the party. And here is what I am getting at: The Clinton's are still the leaders of the party and as such directed all possible party resources to GET Jeb Bush in retaliation for November '99. They did this at the cost of New York races and that's their big tactical mistake especially if Jeb wins and African-Americans resent Terry and Hillary taking money from their candidate.

By now, the New York Democratic Party is pretty tired of Hillary, Bill, and Terry and will give her her come-uppance at the first possible chance. They'll wait for the Democratic Presidential Primaries and then unload on her with all the scandals that no one wants to look into...
too bad he couldnt spell the names right.

Busybody is a moniker that suits to a tee.
SIN........OBL not dead......read the following.

Also,DEBKAFile is reporting he is in Saudia Arabia.

Bin Laden alive, well,
directing al-Qaida ops
Sources say terrorist leader, top aide escaped Afghanistan for Pakistan, planning new attacks

Posted: October 29, 2002
1:00 a.m. Eastern

© 2002 WorldNetDaily.com

Osama Bin Laden is alive, well, living in Pakistan and planning new terrorist attacks in the U.S., United Kingdom and Germany, according to WorldNetDaily intelligence sources.

Bin Laden's top lieutenant, Ayman al-Zawahri, is also in Pakistan. Both al-Qaida leaders bought their way out of Afghanistan during the U.S. siege of Tora Bora last year. Bin Laden reportedly paid $15 million to facilitate his escape.

At least one senior al-Qaida leader who fled to Pakistan with bin Laden has since returned to Afghanistan. Amin al-Haq, described as a very close associate of bin Laden, is reportedly back in Afghanistan now.

Al-Qaida forces reportedly are situated in small bases in Pakistan near the Afghan border, so as not to attract too much attention from the military. However, the terrorists have run harassing operations against U.S. troops in Afghanistan. U.S. forces are not permitted to follow al-Qaida forces back into Pakistan when they flee.

The reports about bin Laden being alive confirm others earlier this month that the Central Intelligence Agency changed its assessment on his fate following the release of a handwritten letter addressed to supporters of the al-Qaida leader. The CIA analyzed the letter and determined the handwriting and words were those of bin Laden.

Last week, CIA Director George Tenet told Congress that al-Qaida is now in a new "execution phase" of operations. The agency believes the devastating attack in Bali, for instance, was the work of the Southeast Asian group Jemaah Islamiah, closely linked to al-Qaida.

A recent spate of terrorist attacks, CIA officials believe, is leading to a much bigger strike against U.S. interests. Al-Qaida prisoners being interrogated repeatedly talk about another spectacular terrorist event.

"I don't think we saw that event in Bali," said Tenet.

U.S. sources say there is clear evidence that al-Qaida is re-establishing camps across the border from Afghanistan in Pakistan.
Oh, yeah, they keep trying REAL hard to prove it.

I know your report's a lie, bacause top Pakistanni officials are swearing to Gawd (read AWWAH) that he's in PESHWAR!

Just last month (in spite of KNOWING THAT WE ARE TAPPING THEIR PHONE CALLS) a top lieutenant calls from Afhghanistan and is talking then off in the background he acts like he's talking to a third person, "The sheik sends his greetings" or some such nonsense. Now they know WE aren't falling for it (we're the ones who dropped the new technology on his ass after identifying him from space..). It's their followers uneducated and indoctrinated by church and state who believe this stuff and Osama's alive.

Meanwhile search teams are STILL working the Tora Bora complex having secured familial DNA...
I refuse to respond to unregisted bb.

I don't click on links either.

At some point, we must separate ourselves form the animals...