Why is "porn" legal, but prostitution is not?


Break up Amazon
Aug 30, 2007
It would make a lot more sense to restrict "porn" in order to protect kids online, than to prevent adults from a consentual activity they wish to engage in, would it not? Once again, post-modern society is completely bass-ackwards, as usual.

I support cleansing the internet to protect youngsters, but see no reason adult prostitution should be illegal. Common sense, no?
It would make a lot more sense to restrict "porn" in order to protect kids online, than to prevent adults from a consentual activity they wish to engage in, would it not? Once again, post-modern society is completely bass-ackwards, as usual.

I support cleansing the internet to protect youngsters, but see no reason adult prostitution should be illegal. Common sense, no?

You're asking for common sense from the government? :cool:
Why quotations around the word porn?
If Romney gets a chance, porn will be illegal too.

It's time America got back to it's Christian/ Mormon values.

Take America back!

It's only legal to have sex for money if both (or all) parties get paid and someone is filming.

I think it comes down to who makes the money. Rich porn producers who can send some money a polititians way or a woman or man just trying to make a living to survive.
Children are so over protected today that they are too dumb to be scared.
Any censorship of the internet is bad, just look what the PC crowd has done and comon sense
is kinda rare these day's what with all these emotional charged do gooders running around protesting all day.
Legal Prostitution is a great idea,money maker and a proven practice, but it's only legal in a few places.
The legal system makes way too much money off fining the sex trade to give it up.
It's what the people want at the current time. Don't like it, get the masses to change their minds. Good luck with that.
It's what the people want at the current time. Don't like it, get the masses to change their minds. Good luck with that.

Prostitution is legal in all Australian States except Tasmania. It doesn't seem to cause any problems or attract criminals, except in Tasmania where it is controlled by bikie gangs.
If they criminalize Porn on the internet, then OP would have no place to play.
Prostitution is legal in all Australian States except Tasmania. It doesn't seem to cause any problems or attract criminals, except in Tasmania where it is controlled by bikie gangs.

And this has what to do with what I said?