why doesn't obama foucs on the Economy and not Bush?


Literotica Guru
Jun 20, 2011
just think, how much actual work obama could perform if he focused on the economy and stop thinking up ways to blame things on Bush!
Obamaloney can only think about one thing...himself. Why worry about something he's planned form the beginning...the down fall of America. He wants the economy to fail, he wants the country to fail. He is an anti-american anti-capitalism, anti-individual son of a bitch.

Obamaloney isn't good enough to clean the dog shit off my shoes, but he has people to do that for him.
You would know that President Obama HAS been focused on the economy if you'd paid any attention.

Ask Mitch McConnell why the GOP in the Senate why "the single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president." limiting President Obama's success is MORE IMPORTANT than actually working with the President to help grow the economy.
just think, how much actual work obama could perform if he focused on the economy and stop thinking up ways to blame things on Bush!
He started out trying to copy Bush, but in a bigger way, and that didn't work...

Who's he supposed to blame?

just think, how much actual work obama could perform if he focused on the economy and stop thinking up ways to blame things on Bush!

Obama is too busy shutting down coal mines, killing drilling in the gulf and destroying pipelines.