Why does America call Autumn...


The 'Euro' European
Feb 18, 2001
the Fall?

Is it because leaves fall to the ground as the weather turns colder? If that's the case what about the evergreens which stay stuck firmly to the trees all year round.

I think Fall is a daft name.

Autumn has much better ring to it...

I have some pretty profound thoughts after a few Guinesses myself...

Why do Brits call apartments flats? I mean, its not like they are two dimensional or anything...
It depends on what part of the country we are from. Not all of America has leaves that "Fall" to the ground.

Or you may be thinking of you "falling" in the gutter with puke all over you
takingchances42 said:
I have some pretty profound thoughts after a few Guinesses myself...

Why do Brits call apartments flats? I mean, its not like they are two dimensional or anything...

or a car trunk a boot
HeavyStick said:

or a car trunk a boot

I'm not really interested in body parts this evening.

I reckon LukkyKnight gave the best answer...


p_p_man said:
the Fall?

Is it because leaves fall to the ground as the weather turns colder? If that's the case what about the evergreens which stay stuck firmly to the trees all year round.

I think Fall is a daft name.

Autumn has much better ring to it...


Well, actually, last year's needles fell off the pinetrees here about a week ago, leaving a fresh carpet of beige needles on the ground, and this years' green needles on the tree. A pine needle emerges in the spring, and remains on the tree until autumn of the following year.

It happens every year, in case you or anyone else didn't know. The deciduos trees are still in the process of turning colors & falling where I am.

As it happens, I use the term "Fall" because "autumn" is a bitch to rhyme.;)
why do brits...

ask such stupid questions. and while we're at it why isn't britain the 51st state?
I call it fall partly because that's what I was raised calling it, and partly because I grew up thinking the word "autumn" referred to the Ottoman Empire...

(I wasn't always a whiz. ;) )
BustyTheClown said:
I call it fall partly because that's what I was raised calling it, and partly because I grew up thinking the word "autumn" referred to the Ottoman Empire...

(I wasn't always a whiz. ;) )

:D When & where did you learn about that ?Did you see "Galipolli" on tape or something?
patient1 said:
:D When & where did you learn about that ?Did you see "Galipolli" on tape or something?

I was using my parents' bathroom when I looked down and saw a book on the Ottoman Empire. I don't know why, but being the young, naive girl that I was, I associated the word "autumn" with that for a few years afterwards, until I took a good history class and realized how terribly wrong I had been, lol. Embarrassing, but I still think it's clever. In a stupid sort of way.

PP Man---Why do you motherfuckin Limeys call panties "knickers"??

And wankin for "jackin off"??

And bum for ass..

And "kiss me bloody arse"

<Just Pet's Troll>:p The Bedazzled One...
Re: Fall

Jabo 69 said:
PP Man---Why do you motherfuckin Limeys call panties "knickers"??

And wankin for "jackin off"??

And bum for ass..

And "kiss me bloody arse"

<Just Pet's Troll>:p The Bedazzled One...

They're our little secrets...

It's "fall" because that's what happens to the temperature.

What about Cockney rhyming slang? Now that is daft.
I just want to bloody well take this lift to me flat in the autumn, so's me knickers don't freeze me bum. Is that ok, mate? And stop wankin that thing at me. Can't you wait till I open the boot to let you out? I don't want to clean up after you, you know!
MoonWolf said:
I just want to bloody well take this lift to me flat in the autumn, so's me knickers don't freeze me bum. Is that ok, mate? And stop wankin that thing at me. Can't you wait till I open the boot to let you out? I don't want to clean up after you, you know!

Good grief! If I heard anyone here talking like that I'd assume I had been transported to a 19th century museum.:D