Why does all Italian food make me want to live in Tuscany?

Only the stuff in red sauce. Get the sea bass, or a decent pasta in alfredo sauce. Try the mozzarella, some of that fresh bread dipped in olive oil, though I realize most would prefer to have that with Gavi rather than Tuscan reds.
Ciao Lukky!

Sono caro amico impaurito di che avete bisogno per prendere un viaggio alla terra meravigliosa dell'Italia! Preoccupisi per avere certa azienda??

:catroar: :nana: :catroar: :nana:
Never too preoccupied to take a sure thing to the wine cellar, LaP ;)
Every time I think about Tuscany, all I can think about is The Maestro and Elaine... lol
I prefer Florence to Tuscany....Florence was friendlier...:D
Well, gee, LaPrincipessa, you don't want to see all the etchings I keep in there? Il vino ed il erotica sono un afrodisiaco potente.
it's not the potential I'm worried about.....

it's being referred to as "sure thing"?
AH, well, see, if you're not then I'll go to the wine cellar on my own while you powder your nose (or whatever part of your anatomy you choose to powder. I've never really been able to follow how anybody else's mind works.)
What is it about Georgia - do you ALL go to Italy for the winter or something?
Italy for the winter?

LukkyKnight said:
What is it about Georgia - do you ALL go to Italy for the winter or something?

Not all of us, LK. My time was spent there in the spring and summer months. But it sounds like a wonderful idea to me!! I will have to ponder this. :D
Bad guess, I suppose, since anybody with any control over the matter would surely abandon GA in the summer. My word, the few times I've been there during your warm season I damn near melted. I'm not sure GA even actually gets winter, now that I think about it, though it can snow when the weather goes flukish.

I opened two bottles of spanish red today, both from 97....

and even that makes me want to live in Tuscany. ~LOL~