Whose in favor of texas?

Suppose we closed TX, so that all of those cool kids would come live with us?;)
So aren't you one of them? I seem to recall your nik on a list of Lone Star Litsters (say THAT 10 times really fast!).
Texas is my favorite state...

...south of Oklahoma.

I say that with hardly any hesitation.
Well I work with some Texans and I find them to be pretty intelligent. A little too Cowboy sometimes, but thats ok, it is better than no personality at all.
Did you mean "who is" is favor of Texas?

As Chicolini, the peanut salesman, said to Rufus T. Firefly, President of Freedonia, when discussing taxes with his cabinet:

Chico: Hey, I gotta aunt, she lives in a Texas.

Groucho: No no, we're discussing taxes; you know, dollars and cents.

Chico: Yeah, boss, that's a where she lives, Dollars, Taxes.

(don't tell perky)

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1st thing I miss about Texas:

Enchilada's at the Blue Goose in Dally.

The yearly routing of Texas and Texas A&M by the Oklahoma Sooners

I'm working on a third...
I can't believe this turned into a real thread. Stupid Texans.