Who wants to go to the playground and for an Ice CREAM Cone

Hey girls,do any one of you want to go with Uncle John for a FUN day at the PLAYGROUND and then get an Ice CREAM CONE and a SODA POP.After a long day Uncle John will put you Night Night.If your a GOOD Girl Uncle John will let you LICK HIS LOLIPOP,if your BAD,he will SPANK YOUR BARE BOTTOM.:) Uncle John.....

What in gods name, is this shit?
To my 2 new friends

Hi Jin and Rosie,do you want to be Uncle Johns new friends,i hope so.I hope Rosie i spelled everything right and used the proper grammar,i only went to the 3'rd grade in school.:) Uncle John.....
Hey girls,do any one of you want to go with Uncle John for a FUN day at the PLAYGROUND and then get an Ice CREAM CONE and a SODA POP.After a long day Uncle John will put you Night Night.If your a GOOD Girl Uncle John will let you LICK HIS LOLIPOP,if your BAD,he will SPANK YOUR BARE BOTTOM.:) Uncle John.....

That is all....
Either a case of Ignoritis, as Rosie so eloquently stated; an older man who wants to break the rules of Lit and life, and have a sexual relationship with an implied under-18 girl; or, more than likely, a troll who is best left under his bridge.
2 New Friends

Thanks for the great replies everybody.You know what i like most about the people here at LITEROTICA,they all think they have IQ levels above 150,but morons like UNCLE JOHN manage to fall through the cracks.By the way,if you liked my original post,you'll love my profile pic.:)Uncle John.....
Thanks for the great replies everybody.You know what i like most about the people here at LITEROTICA,they all think they have IQ levels above 150,but morons like UNCLE JOHN manage to fall through the cracks.By the way,if you liked my original post,you'll love my profile pic.:)Uncle John.....

What the flaming hell are you talking about? Why do you CAPITALIZE every other goddamn WORD?
Thanks for the great replies everybody.You know what i like most about the people here at LITEROTICA,they all think they have IQ levels above 150,but morons like UNCLE JOHN manage to fall through the cracks.By the way,if you liked my original post,you'll love my profile pic.:)Uncle John.....

First off, we don't think we have IQ levels above 150--we know it. Second off, if you want anyone to take you seriously, try investing in something called "grammar;" seriously, simple punctuation, proper punctuation marks, and usage of the space bar make nice impressions. And finally, not too many people are interested in being your little niece--try something more...legal, like someone 18 if you're really going to try getting someone to play along.
Thanks for the great replies everybody.You know what i like most about the people here at LITEROTICA,they all think they have IQ levels above 150,but morons like UNCLE JOHN manage to fall through the cracks.By the way,if you liked my original post,you'll love my profile pic.:)Uncle John.....

Just a bump for the slow people

If you people from literotica could not figure out that the thread was a joke,then your in the perfect forums,LITEROTICA.95% of the people at literotica think they are LITERARY GENIUSES,makes me want to PUKE.When it CUMS to sex forums,LITEROTICA is at the BOTTOM of the list.If you want to ban me,do it,i have other accounts here that i can still mess with your LITERARY HEADS and that would not take much.:)Uncle John.....
If you people from literotica could not figure out that the thread was a joke,then your in the perfect forums,LITEROTICA.95% of the people at literotica think they are LITERARY GENIUSES,makes me want to PUKE.When it CUMS to sex forums,LITEROTICA is at the BOTTOM of the list.If you want to ban me,do it,i have other accounts here that i can still mess with your LITERARY HEADS and that would not take much.:)Uncle John.....

You know they can block ip addresses right?
If you people from literotica could not figure out that the thread was a joke,then your in the perfect forums,LITEROTICA.95% of the people at literotica think they are LITERARY GENIUSES,makes me want to PUKE.When it CUMS to sex forums,LITEROTICA is at the BOTTOM of the list.If you want to ban me,do it,i have other accounts here that i can still mess with your LITERARY HEADS and that would not take much.:)Uncle John.....

Wow!! Full of yourself aren't you. I actually do have a measured IQ above 160, but that only measures my ability to learn. The true measure of a person's intelligence lies in their ability to form a rational thought and express it in a manner understood by most; furthermore, the ability to comprehend and not belittle someone when that someone is obviously more intelligent than you does increase with one's IQ.

I do not consider myself a literary genius, but I do have better grammar than you..

As for that profile picture; I don't like it so much as you apparently do.

You have a blessed day now ya hear.

.o0(bless his little heart)

WoW,you people are UNREAL.Do you all think this is the BOOK REVIEW section for the NEW YORK TIMES?:)Uncle John.....
WoW,you people are UNREAL.Do you all think this is the BOOK REVIEW section for the NEW YORK TIMES?:)Uncle John.....

Okay here we go: 1 You sir, make no sense. Every reply of yours is irrelevant and annoying. 2 You're trying to be a troll, but you suck at it, so we just see you as some dumbass who thinks he's cool. 3 If you're going to post something, for the love of god make sure it's appropriate you flaming pedophile.
Are there people who actually talk like that?
Normal voice Normal voice SHOUT Normal voice Normal voice SHOUT SHOUT Normal voice Normal voice SHOUT.
I mean aside from someone with tourette syndrome.
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Keep Cumming back for more

:) It makes me HAPPY that i can irritate so many people at LIT.By the way,i do not want to be an UNCLE any longer,I want to be a DADDY.So if any of SWEETYS want a loving DADDY,PM me.:cool:Daddy John.....
Attention JinSun

Hey Buddy,your sister sent me a PM and asked me to be her DADDY.I said OK,i'm flying to NEW DELHI this evening.Have you ever seen her nude,look below.:)Daddy John.....
Hey Buddy,your sister sent me a PM and asked me to be her DADDY.I said OK,i'm flying to NEW DELHI this evening.Have you ever seen her nude,look below.:)Daddy John.....

I'm not Indian. But good try.