who here has srudied for themselves the affects of milk alternatives


Super xVirgin Man
Jan 2, 2002
on human's such as Soy and the thyroid gland and/or diabetes?

you might be surprised, maybe even shocked at what you find.
Todd-'o'-Vision said:
on human's such as Soy and the thyroid gland and/or diabetes?

you might be surprised, maybe even shocked at what you find.

Well milk isn't that healthy, so maybe it's just a toss up of what you choose to be unhealthy with.
I have! *Hand up*


"What products contain soy?

As well as obvious soyfoods like tofu, soy milk and miso, and other soy products such as isolated soy protein (ISP) and soy protein concentrate (SPC), very many processed foods contain soy, some examples are:

Biscuits Breads Vegetarian burgers
Cakes Crackers Bakery products
Pastries Meat substitutes Pancakes
Chicken nuggets Legume meal Fish fingers
Pies Meat extenders Hydrolysed vegetable protein (HVP)
Yoghurt Breakfast cereals Sausages
Soups Baby foods Doughnuts
Vegetarian meats Sandwich spreads Baby rusks
Pet Foods Animal feeds Textured vegetable protein (TVP) "
There's a study for everything. Listen to them all, and you'd be left with glass-distilled water.

I eat steak blue rare, butter on my bread, and drink as much or as little of whatever the hell I choose. One of these days I'll die from something, but the days between now and then will be exactly how I make them.
Darkthought said:

I eat steak blue rare, butter on my bread, and drink as much or as little of whatever the hell I choose. One of these days I'll die from something, but the days between now and then will be exactly how I make them.

Amen. Except for the steak. ;)