Who are the "cool kids"?


Slut Whisperer
Sep 17, 2006
I see this term thrown around, usually passive aggressively, on here.

So who are these supposed people? Name names.
I've tried to ask this before, but my interlocutor took deep offense, skirted the question then flounced. Good luck.


Richard I don't see your name on here.
Not me. That's pretty much all I know.

When I've used the words it was to describe people I thought were actually cool, but it is usually used to describe a different set of people that is unique to each individual who thinks they are being picked on by an alliance that might be an alliance or it might just be a bunch of people who spontaneously find you icky.
Everyone knows that the cool kids are all bg minions. Duh.

Don't let eve fool you, she's like the second lieutenant in the bg army, although she'll have to deny that because: rules.
Popularity on the general board is fleeting, and goodwill can vanish instantaneously.

Here's a good example: Aquagal was always one of the "cool kids"...she could snap her fingers, and her mailbox would fill up with cock pics (okay, her mailbox would fill up with cock pics anyway, but hey work with me here).

Then, out of the blue yesterday she admitted she liked raisins in turkey dressing...

The reaction was swift, and it was merciless. The cool kids made retching noises, her man-harem disappeared, and nobody has said anything nice about her avatar for over 22 hours.

The moral of the story: Be very careful of sharing personal information here!!
Anyone wishing to be a cool kid must download the pdf application, return it by pm and it will be considered.

Of course, all the really cool kids have already received invitations, by now.
Kids are not cool.

After cleaning the child's toilet, I think I might agree. Not cool. Not cool at all.

Popularity on the general board is fleeting, and goodwill can vanish instantaneously.

Here's a good example: Aquagal was always one of the "cool kids"...she could snap her fingers, and her mailbox would fill up with cock pics (okay, her mailbox would fill up with cock pics anyway, but hey work with me here).

Then, out of the blue yesterday she admitted she liked raisins in turkey dressing...

The reaction was swift, and it was merciless. The cool kids made retching noises, her man-harem disappeared, and nobody has said anything nice about her avatar for over 22 hours.

The moral of the story: Be very careful of sharing personal information here!!

I admit, I was very shocked about the raisins things, but even culinary trespasses of that kind are forgiveable. Mostly. Seriously, who puts raisins in dressing? I just don't get it. But she is sweet and kind and has a developed sense of humor. Plus, she sews.
anti cool kid here. I am a cool chick at my internet home but we all are, but at lit I work on being a wallflower, preferably a viola.
"Cool kids" are whoever disagrees with or dislikes you.

If you say "The Cool Kids" or "The Clique", then it turns a personal disagreement into a conspiracy of which you get to be the victim. Then all everyone who's ever felt the victim of other people disliking/disagreeing with them will rush to your side - forming, ironically, a clique.

It's a time-tested way to turn a molehill of minor interpersonal conflict into a mountain of a Fight for Justice! Against The Cool People!
"Cool kids" are whoever disagrees with or dislikes you.

If you say "The Cool Kids" or "The Clique", then it turns a personal disagreement into a conspiracy of which you get to be the victim. Then all everyone who's ever felt the victim of other people disliking/disagreeing with them will rush to your side - forming, ironically, a clique.

It's a time-tested way to turn a molehill of minor interpersonal conflict into a mountain of a Fight for Justice! Against The Cool People!

Nailed it.
"Cool kids" are whoever disagrees with or dislikes you.

If you say "The Cool Kids" or "The Clique", then it turns a personal disagreement into a conspiracy of which you get to be the victim. Then all everyone who's ever felt the victim of other people disliking/disagreeing with them will rush to your side - forming, ironically, a clique.

It's a time-tested way to turn a molehill of minor interpersonal conflict into a mountain of a Fight for Justice! Against The Cool People!

This is pretty much what I was assuming. Victimization is so cool!
"Cool kids" are whoever disagrees with or dislikes you.

If you say "The Cool Kids" or "The Clique", then it turns a personal disagreement into a conspiracy of which you get to be the victim. Then all everyone who's ever felt the victim of other people disliking/disagreeing with them will rush to your side - forming, ironically, a clique.

It's a time-tested way to turn a molehill of minor interpersonal conflict into a mountain of a Fight for Justice! Against The Cool People!

I'll save you a chair on the cool side of the cool kids table.
I'll save you a chair on the cool side of the cool kids table.

Bronzage, you're pretty cool. However, I don't think that you're one of the people that is called "cool kid" disparagingly. I'm also not sure that you're a kid, but I guess that's more a state of mind than anything.