White non "hispanic", hispanic, calls a real Hispanic and non hispanic


Jan 23, 2011
If you are NOT in LOCKSTEP

You are an outsider

Like the blacks are

Bill Richardson: Ted Cruz Shouldn’t Be Defined As A “Hispanic”

Relevant portion of video between 2:10 and 3:35

So William Blaine Richardson III, privileged son of William Blaine Richardson Jr. an American Citibank Executive, is going to define what “Hispanic” is, while he chastises Ted Cruz for being rude? Alrighhhtty, now…

Via Breitbart:

ABC: Former New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson joined ABC News for a web interview after his appearance on the “This Week” roundtable on Sunday, answering viewer questions about his time as governor, his experience meeting with the Taliban, and his thoughts on Korean ruler Kim Jong-Un. When asked about Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, Richardson expressed his distaste for the senator.

“I’m not a fan. I know [Ted Cruz is] sort of the Republican latest flavor. He’s articulate. He seems to be charismatic, but I don’t like his politics. I think he introduces a measure of incivility in the political process. Insulting people is not the way to go. But I guess he’s a force in the Republican political system, but I’m not a fan.”

ABC News: Do you think he represents most Hispanics with his politics?

“No, no. He’s anti-immigration. Almost every Hispanic in the country wants to see immigration reform. No, I don’t think he should be defined as a Hispanic. He’s a politician from Texas. A conservative state. And I respect Texas’ choice. But what I don’t like is… when you try to get things done, it’s okay to be strong and state your views, your ideology. But I’ve seen him demean the office, be rude to other senators, not be part of, I think, the civility that is really needed in Washington.”
Not Mexi...

House Wetback...

Uncle Jose's Ramshackle Shack...

He's a "white Hispanic," which translates to race traitor...
Sarah Palin wasn't woman enough...

She kept that monster after everything the movement did for her...

Algore, genius and worshipper of Gaia, the man with the plan, was beaten by the stupidest man alive...

Clarence Thomas, Thomas Sowell, even, at one time, until his great conversion, Colin Powell, Colonel West and now Dr. Ben Carson, not authentic enough, but the mulatto from Hawaii is...
Democrats want to bring to America the same tribal system that keeps the Middle East at each other's throats...

Richardson is a hoot. First of all he probably couldn't successfully run for Dog Catcher in the state.

As far as his "Almost every Hispanic in the country" statement goes, I'd love to see his data. In this state 64% of the Hispanics want to see his drivers licenses for illegals repealed and 60% want to see the illegals deported. This in what is probably the most Hispanic state in the nation by percentage of population.

Indeed, it is those numbers above that have me questioning as to whether the Hispanics vote democrat because of immigration.

"Almost every Hispanic in the country"

is a racist statement
Almost every Hispanic in the country wants to see immigration reform.

The term immigration reform was stolen from the immigration reduction movement and completely perverted into meaning an increase in numbers of newcomers rather than a reduction.

I don't understand why Hispanics want unlimited numbers of newcomers to come to the country. I wouldn't want unlimited numbers of Europeans to come to the country. The country is overcrowded, there's massive unemployment, and native Hispanics want to compete against people who will work for less money just because of some sort of ethnic loyalty or a desire to increase their percentage of the population? That's crazy.

Oh, and why does Bill Richardson have a more "anglo" name than most "anglos" if he's such a cool Hispanic?
The Conservative Hispanic Society released the following statement moments ago.

Governor Bill Richardson owes Latinos an apology

On ABC this weekend, former New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson made a repugnant comment.


In a response to the question, “Do you think he (Senator Ted Cruz) represents most Hispanics with his politics?” Richardson said this:

“No, no. He’s anti-immigration. Almost every Hispanic in the country wants to see immigration reform. No, I don’t think he should be defined as a Hispanic. He’s a politician from Texas.”

The Conservative Hispanic Society condemns, in the strongest terms, Bill Richardson’s attempt to give the extreme left-wing the power to determine who should be defined as “Hispanic”. We’ve seen this pattern all-to-often from liberals. The NAACP, allows black conservatives to be savaged while propping up black leftists. Now, Richardson, a “loud-mouthed leftist Latino” is trying to muzzle a “liberty-loving Latino” like Senator Cruz.

CHS has a message for Governor Richardson:

“The ability to determine who is Hispanic and who isn’t, is beyond your pay-grade. If you’d attended Mass more often instead of worshiping at the altar of liberalism, you might get that. CHS demands an apology from the former governor.”