When can you change your status?


Jan 13, 2023
I just joined Literotica, recently. 4 stories posted, more on the way. Still very much learning my way around. Naturally, my "title," or status, is "Virgin." Which I have to admit has a huge element of comedy to it, and I really don't mind.

In the making of the movie "Monty Python And The Holy Grail," the actress Carol Cleveland said playing the matriarch at Castle Anthrax had posed her greatest challenge as an actress. As she had to play a devout celibate nun, 19 years old, and a virgin. She had never been particularly religious, she had never been celibate, she couldn't remember ever having been 19 because it was a long time ago, and she certainly didn't remeber ever having been virginal. Though theoretically, she knew she must have been at one point in her life, but it was even father back than being 19 had been.

So, when can I change my status to something more reflective of reality? Even though its fun being labeled a virgin, in an utterly unexpected ironic way? It almost seems like false advertising.

And also: I am very much enjoying my time here on Literotica!
Maybe I should clarify: I not only have only dim memories of ever having been a virgin, it's been a long time since I was menopausal! But bless you for thinking otherwise! Or at least, bless you for making me think you might even have thought I'd be otherwise!
Maybe I should clarify: I not only have only dim memories of ever having been a virgin, it's been a long time since I was menopausal! But bless you for thinking otherwise! Or at least, bless you for making me think you might even have thought I'd be otherwise!
As you can see, the "virgin" category includes lots of us who love to explore but rarely comment. Just enjoyed your banter here. Really cute. Fun to read. Good laughs add a burst of sunshine to life.
I think it is based on posts and replies. I have been on here on and off a long time, wrote a lot of posts and got replies
I am pretty sure your status is tied to the number of times you have posted. It will automatically change as you comment on more threads. I did not get on Lit until I was 62 so that virgin status did seem rather amusing.
It is based on number of posts, but after a certain number you can change it to whatever you want it to say. Think that is like 500 posts?
And now for the correct answer.

Go here: https://www.literotica.com/my/#/user/profile

That should take you to your main profile screen for the site. Left column, click Options.

That should be your main Profile screen.

Look down a bit and you should find Title. That's where you can change what your looking for IF you're eligible to be able to change it. There used to be some restrictions about time here, number of posts, and so on. Most of those went away with the new software a year ago.