what's your favorite feedback?


Sep 13, 2001
here's mine. i just got it today and i've been smiling since:

This message contains feedback for: scarfaccio
About the submission: Two Bedroom, Great View
This feedback was sent by: Anonymous


This is almost what happened to me in March 1951 ............... AND
it's still happening. I loved my lady and we still respect each other.
I love your humor. I'm 73, retired.

this was sent anonymously. if anyone knows who it is (as in are you reading this?) drop me a line so i can say thanks.
every single time i get feedback i am blown away. the mere thought that anyone at all reads my writing gives me such pleasure i find it hard to describe.

i have just finished a non-erotic story. i have published it elsewhere on the www because i was unsure of the reception it would get here.

the feedbacks i've received from it so far include these two:

-Very cool! Intense, great characters, funny, and very upbeat! I'd love to read more of your writing (I've read all that's on .......). Thanks!


-Excellent story. Very easy to read.
Thanks for the fun,

every single feedback i receive is special and very humbling :)
Any feedback is wonderful

I believe if anyone takes the time to write even one line of feedback, an author should treasure the response. The story moved the reader enough to respond, and that means a great deal when you consider the number of stories posted here.

I like all my feedback. The best contains something good and something the reader would like to see me improve on the next story. It's nice to be able to send a thankyou, but I respect the wishes of some to remain anonymous.
I respond to each one and always try to personalize it. I do get some "interesting" ones at times. I try to make each person who sends me feedback feel just as special as I did while reading their comments. It's a great way to create a fan base as well.
Feedback That Keeps The Passion For Writing Burning

I save a log of all of the feedback I get. This is one of my favorites. I hope the person who wrote it sees it here. I enjoyed it very much, and think about it often.

Comments: Not quite sure how to start the note, so I'll get to the point. Very good writing. Every story I read, I'm mentally drawn in. Almost to the point (and I really mean almost) of having an orgasm.....without touching myself. I Can't believe I just shared that with you, but your stories are captivating and make you want more. I'm always mildly sad when the story is over and pleased when there is a new one to read. So by all means...keep writing.

Thank you, J.

Readers like you are what keeps most of us going.
I'm not getting feedback...

That is, I got a couple of feedbacks at first (last month) and now, even though I've posted more work, I'm not getting any. This isn't the first place I've posted those stories, and there is a much larger readership here than in fan forums. I've gotten plenty of views and votes on Literotica, so it's not that no one has seen 'em. *scratches head* Neither am I getting any PMs, bar one or two some time ago.

Maybe the system isn't working, which I hear is not unlikely. Or else my stuff is entirely unremarkable, unanswerable, or too weird for words. ;-)

Would anyone like to venture an opinion? I have been posting online for years, so I have developed a thick hide. ;-)


I'm not getting feedback either!! :( I posted a new story recently and new stories get something like 5 feedbacks per day. I got only 1... and that was like 2 weeks ago. And then nothing after that. Something wrong here?

MM - I'm sending you feedback just to check whether you're getting it or not.

Thanks, I got it

Yeah, you came through quick as a wink! Thanks for the experiment. Though now, of course, I have to assume that no one feels like sending me feedback. :confused:

This is either an insult, a compliment, or means nothing at all. :D

Whenever anyone includes and email addy I make sure to send them a note thanking them for making the effort to send feedback.
MM, Ur not alone

I sent myself a feedback right after I sent yours to you and I got mine too...

I am not sure if I should be happy or sad. :confused:

A Whore For Feedback

"Dear Route66Girl,
The author's note at the end of "A Memory of Red" asks if I could "see" the
story as it unfolded. Because of its lucidity, I have to ask you if, perhaps,
you are blind yourself. For your descriptions of the touching, the sense of
aromas, the intensity of sound perceptions, the delicacies of taste, the general
senses of awareness that were so eloquently described... just do not ordinarily
come to the average writer who has never had the experience of NOT having one of
the five senses to complete the experience. Your tale is a wondrous description
of first knowing trust (for whatever reason), then the acceptance that comes
with liking, and lastly the willingness to be totally vulnerable to another that
marks the glory of love..."

I almost fainted at this one. I'd had a bunch for both my Lit stories that were good. I have the very rare luxury of never having received feedback from a "troll." Yet. :devil:

What author wouldn't just die? That was such a wonderful thing to find in my inbox.

The first runner-up would be a feedback I recieved from a couple who said that "Miss Nova" got them so hot they were going to log off as soon as they could in order to "finish what (I) started."'

It was so satisfying to shut off the ol' 'puter that night, knowing that I had contributed to some real pleasure out there ;)

That was waaaay kewl :D Sigh.
Favourite Feedback

It is genuinely difficult to pick a favourite from the large amount of feedback that I have received for 'A Modern Love Story'.

I am proud to have got it and this thread has given me the opportunity to also thank the anonymous correspondents for taking the time and the trouble to send it.

I have selected this one but I could have picked another six or seven all saying much the same thing. (Honestly!)

"I read A Modern Love Story and loved it! The quintessential "be careful what you wish for" story expertly framed with a bit of clever nostalgia. This is exactly the kind of gem that's so rare these days, and so priceless to me once found. It's seldom that I take so much of a story with me after it's read - so much so that I'll keep it as a gentle reminder of the consequences
of following in Ben's footsteps. I cared about these characters; felt their pain, their excitement, and shared a few laughs too along the way. I have a new favourite to add to my very short and selective list. Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

My absolute favorite feedback that I've ever recieved, was actually negative. It was from Anonymous, and said:

"there is not enough porn this story sucks i need some fucking and som sucking to get off learn how to write"

I saved it because... well... I just thought it was funny.

Most of my feedbacks are actually simply asking when chapter three of one of my stories is coming out.
Well, I can't say it's my favorite, but it was the one that gave me the worst willy's:

Loved your story it was awesome esp on hearing how young she was when
her mother made her watch her having sex...tell me how old should a girl
bebefore you think her mom should teach her to suck cock? Hope to read
more of your work

This is the only feedback I haven't responded to. Just how do you tell a fan that they are creeping you out?

I would refer them to Dr. Ruth. :D

Hopefully you get my drift. Just let them know you are not the expert in that area. :rolleyes: ;)
BigTexan said:

This is the only feedback I haven't responded to. Just how do you tell a fan that they are creeping you out?

yikes....that creeped me out just reading it

Another Wonderful Response

I'll try to get this back on the positive side with a another wonderful response from an anonymous reader:

An amazing story. Besides being the most erotic tale I have ever read, I also found it informative. With a new computer I can feed an old curiosity and the Master's explanation to Michelle certainly touched something in me. I read it three times before moving on.

Your writing style is smooth and the pictures you draw with your words are easy to visualize. I felt Michelle's frustration -- still do actually. I go to sleep now wondering if she will ever see her Master, or if I will through her eyes.

One thing Michelle's story has made perfectly clear that some of the others' stories only hinted at: an amazing amount of personal courage is required for this lifestyle. You made Michelle a very strong, fearless woman. Admirable. I have read about ten stories on this site so far. Her strength was a new twist for me in that fear never seemed to be part of the equation.

Thank you for the pleasure. Also, thank you for helping me to decide whether or not to explore this lifestyle on a personal level. This story was the most real for me. And, while immensely exciting, I knew by the end of Ch. 3 that I could not even come close to Michelle's sense of freedom. I can only hope for Ch. 4.[/]

Hearing that your words are both arousing, and informative and personally useful, is fantastic.
May favorite feedback, and the one I am most proud of, comes from another web site on a story I have not even posted on Lite yet. The story is entitled A Promise for Keeping and is the most personal thing I have written to date.

The feedback is…

“Wow!! I'm cryin' like a baby. I was touched from start to finish. Written with such compassion,sensitivity,such love, and oh so real.”
- barbwyre

Thanks barbwyre, whoever you are!!!!!

I am pleased that I was able to make the story feel “oh so real” because for me, it was real.

:rose: Thank You Carrie:rose:
Hi M.A.

I'm wandering off-topic here, but I wanted to let you know that I read A Promise for Keeping today here at Lit. The high praise you got at satinslippers doesn't even begin to cover it. It's a beautiful story, and it's also beautifully told. Among the stories that have gotten an "E", yours is one of the most deserving. I loved it.
A Promise For Keeping

I can only endorse the comments of Route66girl.
I was very touched by it. You say it is the most personal thing you have written. I'm not surprised. This is straight from the heart. And a very caring person comes through.
Thank you.
This will take but a second Scarfaccio

At risk of highjacking scarfaccio's wonderful thread, I wanted to publicly thank RT66Girl and Octavian for their kind feedback!! I am touched at the response APFK has been getting now that is is posted on Lite. Thank you!!!!!!!!

OK, back to your "Favorite Feedbacks"!!!!!!!
