What's on tap in the SDC!


Seraphically Disinclined
Jul 29, 2000
We've got a new victi--er, author ready and rarin' to go!

The Earl brings us a new rendition of his story "Seducing Dawn". What do you think? In the SDC, everyone loves a critic, especially the victi--er, authors!


The Bragis has generated some pretty interesting feedback on her effort "The Secret of My Succes". What have others said about it? Do you have anything to add? Drop in and see what's happening. It's never too late to have an opinion!


Brand new Discussion in effect! This is something we might all find helpful. Discussions of Critique itself. How do you go about doing it? How do others do it? Want a few tips to brush up on your feedback skills? This might be the place to find some!


Discussion on Dialogue is still going hot and heavy, as well. Examples and thoughts on how to write it from some of the fine SDC authors. Drop in and talk about what you think.


User-created discussion can bring some surprising ideas. Is it too soon to write about 9-11? As one poster has already put it, "Ha ha ha, politically correct erotica. Wow, That sounds exciting!" Give your opinion!


Got a story you want to get some quality feedback on? Want to be a victi--er, author? You can do it! Just drop by the Volunteer thread and sign your story up. Give us a little information about what you're looking for by way of feedback and a link to your story. Once you've done that, visit any feedback thread and give your opinion on someone else's story! The rule is that you have to give feedback before you can get it. It's not that hard to do!
