What this board really needs is Curtis Sliwa

Dixon Carter Lee

Nov 22, 1999
Imagine how happy that beret-wearing anti-intellectual blowhard would be to talk to all the frothing preachers of idiocy for us, leaving us free to have actual rational discourse about life, politics, and the occassional well photographed pussy?

While we're dreaming, can we get Dr. Laura to take over the "How do I get my Mother drunk so I can finger-fuck her?" questions?
I saw that rat bastard on TV a few weeks ago, apparently he has a show with some lawyer on CNN now? I thought his 15 minutes where up, 20 years ago.
Dixon Carter Lee said:
Imagine how happy that beret-wearing anti-intellectual blowhard would be to talk to all the frothing preachers of idiocy for us, leaving us free to have actual rational discourse about life, politics, and the occassional well photographed pussy?

While we're dreaming, can we get Dr. Laura to take over the "How do I get my Mother drunk so I can finger-fuck her?" questions?

Add that doctor from Oprah and I'm so there!
My favorite preacher of idiocy was the guy who wore the chrome helmet.

Maybe get him and Curt together. Design a new uniform, or at least a chromed beret.
Seriously, we get Curtis to engage REDWAVE on a single thread, and it will be like that Star Trek episode where Lazurus and the Anti-Matter Lazurus are stuck forever in limbo, fighting, and no one ever has to hear from them again. Tell me this isn't your third wish if you ever find a genie in a lamp.
Dixon Carter Lee said:
Seriously, we get Curtis to engage REDWAVE on a single thread, and it will be like that Star Trek episode where Lazurus and the Anti-Matter Lazurus are stuck forever in limbo, fighting, and no one ever has to hear from them again. Tell me this isn't your third wish if you ever find a genie in a lamp.

Stop it. You're fucking killing me.
Pound for pound, that O'Reilly guy from The O'Reilly Factor is the biggest blowhard in the land.

Here's his secret recipe:

1) Take one part actual news

2) Add three parts feigned moral indignation

3) Add two opposing speakers who are guaranteed to verbally assault each other.

4) Pour in a 30-minute show about crap and serve liberally to the masses who believe everything they hear and see on TV.
Curtis Mayfield would be a better choice. And he wore cooler hats.

Dixon Carter Lee said:
Seriously, we get Curtis to engage REDWAVE on a single thread, and it will be like that Star Trek episode where Lazurus and the Anti-Matter Lazurus are stuck forever in limbo, fighting, and no one ever has to hear from them again. Tell me this isn't your third wish if you ever find a genie in a lamp.

50,000 quatloos on REDWAVE.
aww he is funny and it's MSNBC to boot, so it aint like no one is watching anyways.

In all reality the first time I saw him on the show I was thinking, what inane moron thought he would make a good co-host. This is a cheap Hannity and Colmes ripoff, and if your gonna rip off a show, at least copy a good one. Apparently Fox is taking over the media world, which in comparison to CNN as media king, is not such a bad thing.

LionessInWinter said:

Isn't that the one where Captain Kirk had to teach the blonde in the aluminum dress how to kiss?

Now that I think of it, there WAS a swastika on the arena floor.

Lioness :)

That is the one.

I thought he would have done better with the big ugly dude in that episode. The aluminum-dressed blonde had a cute naivete but that big ugly dude had remarkable eyebrows.
The same Curtis Sliwa who was reporting on the disgrace of the USA losing the Nathan's Hotdog contest yet again?

I personally like the guy...he's certainly a stand-up guy that won't hesitate to put people in their place. Now if only he could get us that damn record back.