What is the most extreme sexual thing you've ever discussed with another person?

I Tend To Tell Insane Shit To Strangers!

And Very Close Friends.

Broomsticks, Bee Mops And Public Anal Sex....
hmmm... probably me being hung in a harness with various animals doing various things to me...
Re: Re: What is the most extreme sexual thing you've ever discussed with another person?

Bluesboy2 said:
In all honesty I would have to say.... You.

haahahahaha! okay, that's just funny.
One time in Spain, we all got drunk and sat in a plaza at three in the morning discussing the poor cunnilingus skills of the male Spanish population.
perky_baby said:
haahahahaha! okay, that's just funny.

Ok, so it wasn't really honest but it was cute. And it was intended to make you chuckle.

I talked about getting fucked with the heel of a shoe once.

Don't ask.
Oh good lord I'm not quite so adventurous. Err, threesomes? Always wanted to bugger another man. Umm. Err. well.
I sat in a cafe and talked to a girl at length about various kinds of bottles that could be used as sexual devices...we pretty much ran the gamut of the local grocery stock list, but when I looked over there were two older women in a booth next to us looking terribly pale...
I can't think of any topic I haven't discussed at one time or another. I'm actually more open in person than I am on the boards about stuff like that.
Nora said:
I can't think of any topic I haven't discussed at one time or another. I'm actually more open in person than I am on the boards about stuff like that.

So you've talked about getting fucked with a shoe heel? Thank gawd i'm not the only one.
A friend of mine told me about some sex shows he saw while stationed overseas. :eek:

Upon reflection just about everything that one can think of, I've talked about with one person in particular. Not necessarily in such a way to turn each other on, well not always lol, but just in general conversation.
Eumenides said:
So you've talked about getting fucked with a shoe heel? Thank gawd i'm not the only one.

um. actually. Yes.
Talking to a virgin about various sexual positions and techniques. Also discussing my life a masuse as I fingered her in the back of a van with her friend in the seat in front of us conversing with us. That is as wild as I get...I am very very shy
Well, I'm a pretty open person with my youth group, and we've discussed a lot. Prob all my sexual history *names, dates, postions, advice* along with my sincere wish that they wait til they are out of high school to start having sex, and that I hope they NEVER have sex; only love making.

While I realize that this is not a very realistic goal I am happy to stay that out of ten: Five are virgins, two are in long term (a year or longer) realtionships, two act responsiably, and one's just a bit of a slut.

I think these are very good odds.
breakwall said:
I sat in a cafe and talked to a girl at length about various kinds of bottles that could be used as sexual devices...we pretty much ran the gamut of the local grocery stock list, but when I looked over there were two older women in a booth next to us looking terribly pale...


sorta like telling a guy how to do it doggie with his girl friend and not relaise your voice carries in factory..lol after that i got alot of sexual questions. they trying to make me speechless.. did not work .. i may have blushed but i told them.. (and some in detail) what i thought..lol

no boring nights when i worked..lmao
If you mean JUST discussed, I'd say pretty much EVERYTHING

I've even got to describe kiddie porn to someone once

(ok, not what you think......I worked in an industrial photo lab and I got a roll on my machine & had to call the FBI)

I think a better question would be what have you DONE
*sniffles* that's muh girl. I'm so proud of her!!

Gosh Nora, in our group it's the gay guy...but if you want to call him "your girl" I"m sure he doesn't mind. He must have gotten your lashes, coz they are sooo long!
PoliteSuccubus said:
Gosh Nora, in our group it's the gay guy...but if you want to call him "your girl" I"m sure he doesn't mind. He must have gotten your lashes, coz they are sooo long!

Ithaqua's in your youth group? :D

*runs and hides before Ith wakes up and reads that*