What has he accomplished since November 6, 2012?

A free-fall jump from SPACE! or was that earlier?

Wait, who are we talking about? Is this yet another passive agressive Obama hate fest tread?
Fake Tweets


Vacation and Golf

Hanging out with the 1%
(where the money is! Show Me da Money!)

There were huge Inaugural events to plan and attend

Got Michelle a spot at the Oscars (makes up for that Olympic fiasco)

Suppressed the American Business environment by fighting against his own brilliant plan...
Wat in 3...2...1...

Wat's second cup of coffee just kicked in. :D

Through adroit exploitation of the two budget crisis opportunities, he has successfully demonised the entire republican opposition and raised his public approval rating to the highest level in years.

He got the tax hike on higher earners he has been stumping for since 2007 and only had to raise taxes on everyone else to get it. This alone saved the nation from economic decline, eliminated all future deficits and made it possible to plan for an expansion of every social program.

He brought gun control back from the rubbish bin and once again turned the Brady people into news items rather than relics of the failed Clinton gun ban.
Through adroit exploitation of the two budget crisis opportunities, he has successfully demonised the entire republican opposition and raised his public approval rating to the highest level in years.

He got the tax hike on higher earners he has been stumping for since 2007 and only had to raise taxes on everyone else to get it. This alone saved the nation from economic decline, eliminated all future deficits and made it possible to plan for an expansion of every social program.

He brought gun control back from the rubbish bin and once again turned the Brady people into news items rather than relics of the failed Clinton gun ban.
