What happened to tolerance?



Why is it in this day and age there are so many intolerances for difference in the world?

Why do people assume that if you disagree that you hate the opposing viewpoint or stance? Why can't it just be about a difference of opinion?

A person is allowed to be anti-war without being anti-American. The two should not be synonymous. Why can't we tolerate a different perspective?

I love cheeseburgers. That doesn't automatically mean that I hate vegetarians. This presumptive, over-reaction within society today is disturbing and inappropriate.
Define "tolerate".

If you think you should be able to express your opinion without being tortured, killed, or jailed, I agree.

If you think you should be able to express your opinion without anyone expressing their disagreement with said opinion, then I disagree.

[edited to add - replying to thread title, which is disparate from the OP]
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When the hell were we more tolerant? We have blacks and whites marrying, gays marrying. Americans defending Muslims, Muslims rioting over dead Americans, country musicions and rappers putting out records together. What precisely do you need?
When the hell were we more tolerant? We have blacks and whites marrying, gays marrying. Americans defending Muslims, Muslims rioting over dead Americans, country musicions and rappers putting out records together. What precisely do you need?

I think "tolerance" fell by the wayside when fringe conservatives began insisting that we not only respect their opinions, but their "facts" as well.

Fringe conservatives only have two basic modes: "fully bully" and "full victim". The latter mode requires that every last ounce of victimhood be wrung out of a situation, ergo, you're not "disagreeing" with them, you're "intolerant".

Boo hoo hoo, all the way home.
Why is it in this day and age there are so many intolerances for difference in the world?

Why do people assume that if you disagree that you hate the opposing viewpoint or stance? Why can't it just be about a difference of opinion?

A person is allowed to be anti-war without being anti-American. The two should not be synonymous. Why can't we tolerate a different perspective?

I love cheeseburgers. That doesn't automatically mean that I hate vegetarians. This presumptive, over-reaction within society today is disturbing and inappropriate.

Its easy when nothing matters that much to you. Tolerance = I don't care that much.
I'm dead serious where are we drawing the line for tolerance? I'm not claiming we don't have miles to go before we sleep but I am claiming that up until say WW2 that Europe used to break into war every couple of decades and now they all sit around making googly eyes at each other like nobody can remember when their grand parents and great grandparents did their best to level a continent. I'm kinda young but I've been told that those Russians were once these horrible people who were seconds away from bombing us at any second and now we hang out together. Sure we're pricks to each other, but we're pricks like Lebron and Kobe. We all know after the game they buy each other drinks and keep talking shit!

I suppose if your a JamesbJohnson type and you miss the days when lynching niggers was tolerated and in many cases encouraged then you might have a problem. Women can be quiet successful in business, we are likely to have a female president in 2016. What do we need to do to be more tolerant than we were before which is the theme of this thread, not that we're perfect but that we're getting worse.
Maybe tolerance was a poor choice of term.

It seems there is so much vitriol for opposing views these days particularly when it involves politics.

It's as if everyone is being forced into black and white. I am rather fond of the gray area. That's where I thrive without labels, prejudices, and predictable behavior.

I like to think I am a unique individual. However, others would like to lump me in with this class or that.
It always gives me a chuckle when conservatives ask why liberals don't tolerate their intolerance.
fixed it for ya

It's not just a difference of opinion when conservatives take steps to codify intolerance and bigotry into law.

Conservatives in my city instituted a law a few years ago saying that landlords could evict gay people for the express reason that they're gay. That's not just a difference of opinion, that's called going out and oppressing a class of people. Stop trying to reduce this to just a difference of opinion, if that's all it was then there wouldn't be codified restrictions of freedom.

Conservatives used to make laws saying that black people had to use their own water fountains. Just a difference of opinion that should be tolerated? yes or no?
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It's also not a mere "difference of opinion" when they call liberals baby killing, america hating, pro-terrorists.

I'm not gonna pretend like libs don't fling mud from time to time because they do but the difference volume and raw rage is a matter of magnitude. The closest thing to a Busybody the Litleft has is LJ (and he gets neither the tolerance nor the support that BB enjoys) and even if you for whatever dumbass reason think Micheal Moore = Rush Limbaugh (despite one putting out a movie every couple of years and the other having a daily radio program) that still doesn't put the left and right on remotely even terms.
It's not just a difference of opinion when conservatives take steps to codify intolerance and bigotry into law.

Conservatives in my city instituted a law a few years ago saying that landlords could evict gay people for the express reason that they're gay. That's not just a difference of opinion, that's called going out and oppressing a class of people. Stop trying to reduce this to just a difference of opinion, if that's all it was then there wouldn't be codified restrictions of freedom.

Conservatives used to make laws saying that black people had to use their own water fountains. Just a difference of opinion that should be tolerated? yes or no?

i'm only speaking for myself. i don't make bigoted laws, i don't codify hate or segregation. nor do i support it.

but in the court of public opinion, aka facebook, the caustic liberals come out with claws bared and teeth sharpened at the mere mention of anything conservative, or the attempt to discuss controversial topics such as abortion or immigration. enlightened tolerance, indeed.

it's true there's a bunch of old-timey fools who make for great internet headlines with their antiquated philosophies and anachronistic ideas, but i'd like to believe that they don't represent the majority of conservatives out there.
i'm only speaking for myself. i don't make bigoted laws, i don't codify hate or segregation. nor do i support it.

but in the court of public opinion, aka facebook, the caustic liberals come out with claws bared and teeth sharpened at the mere mention of anything conservative, or the attempt to discuss controversial topics such as abortion or immigration. enlightened tolerance, indeed.

it's true there's a bunch of old-timey fools who make for great internet headlines with their antiquated philosophies and anachronistic ideas, but i'd like to believe that they don't represent the majority of conservatives out there.

At this particular point in history if you vote Republican you are supporting the codification of hate and segregation. You can rationalize it all you like but you are supporting it.

These caustic liberals on facebook must be fairly exclusive to you. The hateful things that are said about Obama on a daily basis are FAR FAR worse than anything those people say that I ever get to see. Not to mention abortion should be settled by now. There should be no tolerance there. Not any more than we tolerate people who want to teach the controversy between Nazi's and Jews.

If the old-timey fools who made for great headlines weren't governors, congressmen and major pundits you'd have a point. However your actual argument is basically "I hope, Sarah Palin, Rick Santorum and Paul Ryan were just in the front runners to run my country and my party but they don't represent anything!"
i'm only speaking for myself. i don't make bigoted laws, i don't codify hate or segregation. nor do i support it.

but in the court of public opinion, aka facebook, the caustic liberals come out with claws bared and teeth sharpened at the mere mention of anything conservative, or the attempt to discuss controversial topics such as abortion or immigration. enlightened tolerance, indeed.

it's true there's a bunch of old-timey fools who make for great internet headlines with their antiquated philosophies and anachronistic ideas, but i'd like to believe that they don't represent the majority of conservatives out there.

Freedom of speech does not imply freedom from criticism.

If you're man enough to stand up for what you believe in, you should be tough enough to withstand any attendant criticism that results.

The criticism you may or may not receive on Facebook is no different from what libruls experience on a daily basis from Hate Radio and Fox News.

There may be some high-minded conservatives out there that still want to debate issues on their relative merits, but they are far and few between (and non-existent here on the Lit GB). The vast majority of conservatives I've seen are content to regurgitate emotionally charged, focus group tested, Luntz approved talking points (i.e. "It's a BABBY, not a Choice!")
At this particular point in history if you vote Republican you are supporting the codification of hate and segregation. You can rationalize it all you like but you are supporting it.

These caustic liberals on facebook must be fairly exclusive to you. The hateful things that are said about Obama on a daily basis are FAR FAR worse than anything those people say that I ever get to see. Not to mention abortion should be settled by now. There should be no tolerance there. Not any more than we tolerate people who want to teach the controversy between Nazi's and Jews.

If the old-timey fools who made for great headlines weren't governors, congressmen and major pundits you'd have a point. However your actual argument is basically "I hope, Sarah Palin, Rick Santorum and Paul Ryan were just in the front runners to run my country and my party but they don't represent anything!"

Just proved my point. If ____________ then ___________. It's all bullshit. You can't find the gray. You're stuck in everything is this or that, black and white stereotypical beliefs. It's an extremely narrow minded way of looking at the world.
Freedom of speech does not imply freedom from criticism.

If you're man enough to stand up for what you believe in, you should be tough enough to withstand any attendant criticism that results.

The criticism you may or may not receive on Facebook is no different from what libruls experience on a daily basis from Hate Radio and Fox News.

There may be some high-minded conservatives out there that still want to debate issues on their relative merits, but they are far and few between (and non-existent here on the Lit GB). The vast majority of conservatives I've seen are content to regurgitate emotionally charged, focus group tested, Luntz approved talking points (i.e. "It's a BABBY, not a Choice!")

was i crying in my beer?

i can take whatever anyone gives me. hell, i've abused as a kid, bullied in school, yelled at by bosses and survived a .22 gunshot. trust me, i can suffer fools.

but my point was, i'm surprised by the hate and intolerance of liberals on facebook and obviously here on Lit whose main forms of debate are condescension, insults, memes, or personal attacks.

i don't listen to rush, never have. i don't watch fox news, ever. some of the opinions i have opinions are moderately conservative, and i'm always willing to debate a topic in an effort to achieve a higher level of mutual understanding. that is, to understand the other side while trying to get my point across as well.

maybe it's true, maybe *any* support of republicans is supporting the intolerant ones. i don't know. but at the same time i can't honestly support many things on the liberal platform, either.
Just proved my point. If ____________ then ___________. It's all bullshit. You can't find the gray. You're stuck in everything is this or that, black and white stereotypical beliefs. It's an extremely narrow minded way of looking at the world.

No. It's a fact based way of observing the world. If you vote Republican then you are supporting the things the Republican party stands for. There is very little grey to find and much of where it does exist is in silly technicalities or places where people just don't know any better.
No. It's a fact based way of observing the world. If you vote Republican then you are supporting the things the Republican party stands for. There is very little grey to find and much of where it does exist is in silly technicalities or places where people just don't know any better.

this isn't true, only because not all republicans vote along party lines, ditto with democrats.

so.... yeah.
was i crying in my beer?

i can take whatever anyone gives me. hell, i've abused as a kid, bullied in school, yelled at by bosses and survived a .22 gunshot. trust me, i can suffer fools.

but my point was, i'm surprised by the hate and intolerance of liberals on facebook and obviously here on Lit whose main forms of debate are condescension, insults, memes, or personal attacks.

i don't listen to rush, never have. i don't watch fox news, ever. some of the opinions i have opinions are moderately conservative, and i'm always willing to debate a topic in an effort to achieve a higher level of mutual understanding. that is, to understand the other side while trying to get my point across as well.

maybe it's true, maybe *any* support of republicans is supporting the intolerant ones. i don't know. but at the same time i can't honestly support many things on the liberal platform, either.

Pete, I did not mean to imply directly or indirectly that you get your marching orders from El Rushbo or your talking points from Fox.

Perhaps I'm lumping you in with the rest of the GB unwashed conservative masses, if so, I apologize. I try to stay away from the "you never said a thing when X said Y, therefore you must support him/her" tit-for-tat brothers keepers stuff that goes on here. (Which doesn't mean I don't do it from time-to-time, I'm not perfect).

Maybe I'm a tad jaded and long in the tooth here, it seems like most political issues of the day have been hashed and re-hashed to death around here. A case in point: A thread showed up the other day about a subject I was very interested in, I began a lengthy response, got three paragraphs in and thought...I've done this before. So I scrolled back and realized...yep, this thread was from 2006, and I HAD replied, and my position hadn't changed at all (my rhetoric was a tad more incendiary this time around, though).