What do you see when you look outside


Ik ben WEL leuk
Jul 15, 2002
I know non-erotc threads dont last long on this board but i am interested. What does your corner of the world look like?

This is mine
I wish my corner of the world were 10% that pretty...I see cars and other apartment buildings. Yuck.
mokum13 said:
I know non-erotc threads dont last long on this board but i am interested. What does your corner of the world look like?

This is mine

Mokum, so good to see you again....I have to respond twice to answer your question....When you go out my door onto my deck, if you look to the right, you see this.....

Just popping in to say hiya hon....haven't seen you in a while. Hope all is well, and you have a beautiful view there. Good idea for a thread.:rose: :rose:
Great pics PlaesureMe, sure have to se that irl one day ;)

Hi CB, Doing fine, just way too busy here. Will be visiting lit more frequently soon again!
Not exactly out my window, but I see this everyday on my drive to and from work.

This is my hometown, Portland Oregon.
This was taken in our garden last January. Nothing special, but it is so rare to see snow in Athens. We made as many snowmen as we could, we may have to wait another 60 years for this to occur again :)

That is a lovely jungle, weathered2. One day I will have a nice "jungle" like that in my yard :)
PleasureMe said:
That is a lovely jungle, weathered2. One day I will have a nice "jungle" like that in my yard :)
We tell our friends that is is very carefully orchestrated to give the appearance of chaos. I think they're onto the fact that it's actually the product of near total neglect.

This is part of my yard.. my rose bushes and me and my dog..
Hi Mokum,
Wonderful view you have from your window. :)

I have a boring view from my new place. Just hotels. hehe.

This is the view from one of my old dorm rooms. :)


anytime,, and will do what i can without you here to watch the sunsets with.. *sigh* ilu2