What are your phobias?



Got any?


edited to add: mine are heights, snakes, and spiders. I'm getting over the snakes, though. Public speaking is a biggie, too.
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baloons (condoms are not baloons)

Those are the biggies! :(
I'm not sure if they qualify as phobias, exactly.

I won't go near pools or ponds or pretty much anything like that. Terrified of drowning. When I was a kid, the neighbor kids tried to drown me, and I've been accidentally tossed into a pool twice after that. So I just stay away now.
Climbing on ladders. The soles of my feet and the palms of my hands sweat. I don't mind heights, but I climb ladders with great difficulty.

I don't like spiders, I would rather have someone else kill them, though, cuz I don't like the "crunch" sound.

Fingers and doors. Bad combo. I am always saying to people "Watch your fingers!" Even when I don't know them. Even when they are old.
Johnny Mayberry said:
I'm not afraid of anything...must be that lack of 'will to live' I've got going on.

Not even armadillos?


Mine are snakes.. I've had to kill a few around here and I squeal like a lil girl while I'm doing it. *shudder*
k¡tty said:
Not even armadillos?

Hey, I meant 'startled', not scared, ok? I can be startled as much as anyone, I can be repulsed or made to feel anxious...I thought we were talking about 'unreasonable fears'. I don't have any of those.
k¡tty said:
Mine are snakes.. I've had to kill a few around here and I squeal like a lil girl while I'm doing it. *shudder*

Well we wouldn't expect you to squeal like a rhinocerous, would we? ;)
Johnny Mayberry said:
Hey, I meant 'startled', not scared, ok? I can be startled as much as anyone, I can be repulsed or made to feel anxious...I thought we were talking about 'unreasonable fears'. I don't have any of those.

So if an armadillo came up to you now you wouldn't kick it 40 feet away?
freakygurl said:

the fear of bridges..

I used to get so scared crossing bridges that I would pee my pants. :eek:

How did I get over it?? I married one! ;)
I have a rampant phobia of slugs. If you had my nightmares you would know why.

I'm also deeply afraid of people of all stripes.

I'm also afraid of churches and other holy sites. THey make me panic.
Starblayde said:
Well we wouldn't expect you to squeal like a rhinocerous, would we? ;)

I shriek, scream, whimper and squeal... I do all of that when I'm taking care of a snake.

k¡tty said:
So if an armadillo came up to you now you wouldn't kick it 40 feet away?
If I saw it in a pet shop, i'd pick it up and play with it, same with snakes. If it dased out from a hole in teh ground and onto my foot again...*PUNT*
Creepy crawlies
Small animals (gerbils, mice) crawling on me.

None of these are so bad that I can't function or deal with them - but they do bother me enough to somewhat impair my functioning.
Mine are:

large crowds
public speaking
in certain situatins, the dark (usually just when there's a storm and the power goes out)

I'm a coward, I know.
