Were you breast fed?

Were you breast fed?

  • Yes

    Votes: 22 61.1%
  • No

    Votes: 14 38.9%

  • Total voters


Super Fan
Oct 14, 2001
Well were you?

Did your mom breast feed you or give you formula?

Do you think this had a long term effects or is important at all?
Lazarus1280 said:
Well were you?

Did your mom breast feed you or give you formula?

Do you think this had a long term effects or is important at all?


yup, I was breastfed, and yeah, it had effects on me. It's been proven that people who were weaned late (I was breast fed for a year and a bit) have oral fixations (become smokers, chew gum, give head a lot, etc).

I definately have an oral fixation.
vixenshe said:
yup, I was breastfed, and yeah, it had effects on me. It's been proven that people who were weaned late (I was breast fed for a year and a bit) have oral fixations (become smokers, chew gum, give head a lot, etc).

I definately have an oral fixation.

Hmmm so if I had been breast fed I would have smoked and chewed gum? Cos I love to give head. So that must mean that formula was healthier? hehehe
vixenshe said:
yup, I was breastfed, and yeah, it had effects on me. It's been proven that people who were weaned late (I was breast fed for a year and a bit) have oral fixations (become smokers, chew gum, give head a lot, etc).

I definately have an oral fixation.

Proven by who?
I wasn't breastfed.
My mum found it hard to do as her breasts developed too much milk and breastfeeding wasn't successful.
My aunt who just gave birth is having problems with not enough milk.
I'll never be able to breastfed, which is very sad to me.
But i don't think my future children will be disadvantaged by it in any way.

P.S I absolutely love to give head. Go figure.
How teh hell should I know? I can't remember what I did last week.
Lazarus1280 said:
Well were you?

Do you think this had a long term effects or is important at all?

Only as an adult, scored zero on the actual milk bit though.........

It has profound short term effects, but even I am not egotistical enough to call an hour "long term"! :devil: :devil:
foxxxyred said:
I wasn't breastfed.
My mum found it hard to do as her breasts developed too much milk and breastfeeding wasn't successful.
My aunt who just gave birth is having problems with not enough milk.
I'll never be able to breastfed, which is very sad to me.
But i don't think my future children will be disadvantaged by it in any way.

P.S I absolutely love to give head. Go figure.

That is an absolutley outstanding segway there foxxxy......

Only only a true deviant like us could link those concepts!
I was breastfed.

Glass hadn't been invented when I was a baby.
I was, for a short time, and I have, for my children.

Some info. Obviously pro-breastfeeding, but some good information.

What are the benefits of breastfeeding?

Breastfeeding benefits everyone. Your baby gets superior nutrition, resistance to infections, and is less likely to develop allergies. Breastfed babies have fewer stomach upsets no constipation. Breastfeeding contributes to proper jaw and mouth development. Breastfed infants tend to have fewer incidences of cavities and need fewer orthodontic corrections later in life. Breastfed babies are smarter because of better brain development.

Does breastfeeding protect my baby from illness?

Breastfeeding's protection from illness is most evident during a baby's first six months, but remains in effect as long as the child is nursing and beyond. The breastfed infant also benefits emotionally. Most breastfed babies cry less because they are held more.

What are the health benefits from breastfeeding?

Mothers who breastfeed usually lose weight more easily than mothers who feed their babies formula. Also, the baby's sucking causes a mother's uterus to contract and reduces the flow of blood after delivery. Mothers who breastfeed are less likely to develop breast cancer. The hormones a mother's body releases when she breastfeeds produces feelings of warmth, love and calmness. They help a mother to relax.

The benefits of breastfeeding go beyond the individual mother and her child. Breastfeeding decreases the pollution of air, water and land from the production of artificial baby milk and its packaging. It does not use up energy resources for preparation of formula and heating bottles. It saves families around $2000 a year.
Lazarus1280 said:
Well were you?

Did your mom breast feed you or give you formula?

Do you think this had a long term effects or is important at all?

I was a formula baby, and no, I don't think it had a long term effect.

I've had 3 kids, all of which were formula fed, and none of them are any different than breast fed children I know.
I don't know and can't remember. I was a little young at time.
Back in the day when I was born, son, mothers were routinely discouraged not to breastfeed and were often given drugs to dry up their milk before they left the hospital. Seems the powers that be thought formula was better. I think that's just a cover up for their discomfort with women's breasts as functioning milk producers.

I don't think it effected me one way or another, but who really knows.

I loved breast feeding my children when they were babies. It's a very special time between mother and child. After the blisters on your nipples heal, that is.
i wasn't breastfed....but i can't blame tha brain damage on my momma for not letting me slurp on her titties....it's the acid....i know it....i was really quite normal before 1985......<nodding>