Well isn't America lucky...


The 'Euro' European
Feb 18, 2001
You're going to have the chance to watch the Michael Jackson interview shown here earlier this week...


Gee, he admits to sleeping with young boys (not in the sexual sense though) and gets his flesh into a skin tone when people start to question.

Crying shame he was not dropped off a ledge...
p_p_man said:
You're going to have the chance to watch the Michael Jackson interview shown here earlier this week...



Did his nose stay on this time?
I didn't watch it for three reasons:

One, I don't watch TV
Two, I don't care about Micheal Jackson
Three, I don't see how his doings or un-doings affect me or my life.
PoliteSuccubus said:
I didn't watch it for three reasons:

One, I don't watch TV
Two, I don't care about Micheal Jackson
Three, I don't see how his doings or un-doings affect me or my life.

The entertainment value was quite high...

It confirmed to me just how much of a nut case he is...


p_p_man said:
The entertainment value was quite high...

It confirmed to me just how much of a nut case he is...



Speaking of nut cases, I heard Michael Jackson had his cut off in order to give his testicles a chance to "breathe deep the withering gloom of Europe."
Ham Murabi said:
Speaking of nut cases, I heard Michael Jackson had his cut off in order to give his testicles a chance to "breathe deep the withering gloom of Europe."

:D :D

I've just seen a news item on our Breakfast TV.

Apparantly the Sheriff's Department was taping the show last night and have issued a HotLine number for parents to ring if they are worried about their own childrens' friendship with Jackson.

The programme has opened a whole new can of worms...

A nutcase he may be but is he a child molester?

I think he's a fucking freak...His face scares me to death...Is it even real? Ugh!
Keirena said:
I think he's a fucking freak...His face scares me to death...Is it even real? Ugh!

The more his nose gets elevated the more he looks like one of those horror characters in an old black and white movie...
