Unhinged: Prospect of Romney presidency inspires threats to burn down the White House


Jan 23, 2011
TWITTER LYNCH MOB: Unhinged: Prospect of Romney presidency inspires threats to burn down the White House.

Mr. Steve Wynn can build a better building to inspire America.

The White House was built on the backs of slaves and drunken Irish contractors.

Bulldoze or burn the current White House.
Mr. Steve Wynn can build a better building to inspire America.

The White House was built on the backs of slaves and drunken Irish contractors.

Bulldoze or burn the current District of Columbia.

FYP. :cool:
Mr. Steve Wynn can build a better building to inspire America.

The White House was built on the backs of slaves and drunken Irish contractors.Bulldoze or burn the current White House.

But wait, slaves and drunks didn't build that White house, someone else did.
But wait, slaves and drunks didn't build that White house, someone else did.

The history books you studied in high school are 80% fabricated bullshit. Now that bullshit is controlled by the Far Left and the Chinese.

The point is dig deeper to find out the Truth.
The history books you studied in high school are 80% fabricated bullshit. Now that bullshit is controlled by the Far Left and the Chinese.

The point is dig deeper to find out the Truth.

The problem is...... Knowing where to dig. And that would be a function of what truth one wants to believe.