Unheralded Lit Poster: medjay

modest mouse

Meating People is Easy
Oct 21, 2001
Doesnt post regularly or prolifically but has soemthing to say. he'll toss his words onto a serious thread, crack a joke anywhere, and has interesting taste.

Has had some of the better avatars.
True, I especially dig today's AV.
The guy looks a little like Keith Hamilton Cobb.
I like what medjay has to say a lot of the time. I listen to his opinions on things. He has a unique and poignant perspective on various issues. It's nice to have him around.
Wow! I've been heralded!

I'll have to print this page out and put it up on the refrigerator like my parents used to do in the old days! ;)
medjay said:
Wow! I've been heralded!

I'll have to print this page out and put it up on the refrigerator like my parents used to do in the old days! ;)

Tell mom you earned a passing grade at Literotica. Heh. :D

I dig ya, too, hon. You're a little quirky at times, but I enjoy reading your posts.
modest mouse said:

Has had some of the better avatars.

Everyone digs my AV's. I should have been a shoe-in for the 2002 Avatar Awards but I was snubbed by the academy. :(
I like medjay. He has great taste in music. He's tactful, yet he always gets his point across. He writes well, too.
I'll match your herald for medjay and throw in a kudos as well!
"I'm your idol, the highest title, numero uno
I'm not a Puerto Rican, but I'm speakin so that you know
and understand I got the gift of speech
and it's a blessin"

You got it made, man.

Re: Re: Unheralded Lit Poster: medjay

medjay said:
Everyone digs my AV's. I should have been a shoe-in for the 2002 Avatar Awards but I was snubbed by the academy. :(

Remember when Judi Dench won Best Supporting Actress for a role that lasted a hair less than 8 minutes? You are not the only one who has been snubbed.
I like medjay. He asked me to be in his funky band.

*edited because really he said i could be in his band if i wore short skirts and shook my ass. (which i agreed to)
Problem Child said:
He's good with a quip and he hates busybody.

I don't hate busybody. I'm actually looking forward to giving him the superfly makeover he's been begging for. All those silly posts he made earlier were just his way of reaching out and saying he really liked my style and wanted to be down with me.
medjay said:
I don't hate busybody. I'm actually looking forward to giving him the superfly makeover he's been begging for. All those silly posts he made earlier were just his way of reaching out and saying he really liked my style and wanted to be down with me.

I think we should post jungle fever type porn until his head explodes.
Problem Child said:
I think we should post jungle fever type porn until his head explodes.

Have him strapped to the chair Clockwork Orange style.

Oh, and make him wear a do-rag with matching sneakers while Snoop Dogg plays in the background.
I dig him.

We are supposed to talk about 'em in the third person right?
Girl's love his jim cuz it causes crazy friction
When it goes up in, and fluctuates their diction


Medjay rocks.
medjay... THIS IS YOUR LIFE!!!

When you first came to our attention you entered Egypt during the turmoils of the First Intermediate Period, formed mercenary archer units and served in the armed constabulary. There you were known known to have fought under Kamose against the Hyksos.

And here is your your old commander Kamose!!!

Kamose DUUUDEE!!! How the hell are you?
Dillinger said:

Kamose DUUUDEE!!! How the hell are you?

Cool. Retired from the archery business. Spending my time posting on an erotic story board.
Kamose: Good deal - sounds like the easy life! Meet any hot babes!


When next we heard from medjay he had become part of the Egyptian police force in the 18th Dynasty. Perhaps because the medjay had already established a history of serving in the Egyptian army, he now blended easily into Egyptian society and had the responsibility of protecting towns in western Thebes as well as being responsible to its mayor.


So tell us medjay - how did it feel to be an ancient cop?
Dillinger said:

So tell us medjay - how did it feel to be an ancient cop?

Pretty good. I commanded respect and the ladies were always impressed.
Cool beans!

Next up medjay then served as tomb guardian during the construction of the royal necropolis at Deir el-Medina.

What was that like?