Ultima 4.5: Rescue of the Avatar

Star of Penumbra

Literotica Guru
May 28, 2002
OOC: Before you join, check this thread.

IC:The traveler crested the hill, bringing into sight a humble shack. It rested several miles from the nearest town, Britannia.

Smiling to himself, the man quickened his pace slightly. It was growing late, and the sun would soon set. Despite the efforts of the traveler and his friends a few years ago, the uncivilized wilds of Sosaria remained dangerous, especially at night.

There was a light burning in the window, telling the man that the person he had come to see was in. He reached the door and knocked.

A moment later, the door cracked open, then swung to reveal a tall, dark haired man. “Friend Julius! What are you doing here?” He asked happily. His expression suddenly turned somber. “Is there trouble?”

“No, no, of course not, Michael.” Julius replied. “This is merely a social call.”

The man smiled again. “Ah, well, come in, come in. I have some tea on. Make yourself comfortable.”

The traveler seated himself on one of the stools and set his pack on the floor. “How have you been these past five years? Sosaria misses her hero.”

“I have been well. Mostly I’ve been studying philosophy.” Michael replied, seating himself and handing his friend a cup of tea.

“Why must you live so far from anyone? It makes coming to see you difficult. I have to be home in two more days, and I’ll be lucky to make it.”

The tall man shook his head, his dark hair swinging to and fro. “If I were to move to one of the eight cities, it would make me more inclined to favor the virtue it held in closest regard.” He paused to take a sip of his tea. “It would also allow my enemies to locate me more easily. As it is, only you and the others who traveled with me know of my present location. I suspect Lord British knows of my whereabouts as well, though I’ve never told him.”

Julius thought for a moment before responding. “If your-“

Before he could further express his thoughts, a great wall of green flame rose from the ground behind his companion. Both men jumped to their feet, Julius drawing the baroque battleaxe he carried on his belt.

Seconds later, demons began to stream through the fiery portal, quickly crowding the small hut. Michael ran to the wall and removed a sword from where it hung, turning to face the unexpected onslaught of unholy invaders, as Julius split open the skull of the nearest one with his axe.

“What is this sorcery!” Julius cried as demons continued to flood the tiny hut. A great blast of cold came from behind him in reply, freezing several of the demons in place. Julius backed up so that he stood next to his friend, taking his axe in both hands.

“Hold them!” Michael exclaimed, turning his attention to the portal itself. He plunged his hand into the pouch at his belt and drew forth a handful of reagents.

Julius took a step forward and decapitated another of the invading demons, while yet another bit at his legs. Suddenly, a great horned demon, larger than the rest, appeared from the portal of green flame. Before either of the men could react, he quickly traced an arcane pattern in the air in front of him. Julius recognized the spell as he felt his legs numbing, which quickly spread throughout his body. His axe dropped to the floor, and as he fell, he heard a thud next to him.

“Take the tall one. The other is unimportant.” He heard a voice say, then the scrabbling of many feet. A moment later, he heard something being dragged across the floor, then the demons, Michael with them, disappeared back through the flaming portal, which sunk back into the floor.

The numbness faded, and Julius pulled himself to his feet, wiping off his axe and placing it back on his belt. There was nothing more he could do here for his friend.

“I must alert Lord British.” Julius said aloud, trying to gather his thoughts. He glanced at his bleeding leg. He hadn’t thought to bring his reagents- a stupid mistake. Tearing a strip from his shirt, he bandaged the wound as best he could.

He picked up his pack and left the hut- time was of the essence. Lord British had to be alerted immediately, and every second the avatar was in the clutches of the demons increased the chances he would be killed.

Julius set out for Lord British’s castle, two hours to the south. It was a long walk, but he was no stranger to sacrifice; it had been his way of life ever since he was a child.

He glanced at the setting sun and the two rising moons as he walked. It appeared he wouldn’t be home on time after all.
Dupre sat in the keg and Anchor tavern of Trinsic, sipping a glass of tea. He had always found this place soothing to him yet for some reason, even here at the one place he knew should of soothed him he was troubled. Something wasnt right in Sosaria, not right at all.....
Julius took heart as the spires of Lord British's castle rose into view over the horizon. It was quite late, and the sun would rise in a few more hours. Miraculously, Julius had somehow avoided any contact with the bandits or wild beasts of Sosaria on his trek.

Limping painfully onward, he approached the gate to the castle. As he drew near, one of the guards stationed at the gate approached.

"What happened to you?" He asked, supporting Julius and helping him toward the castle.

"I was attacked. I must see Lord British. It concerns the avatar Michael."

"Open the gate!" The guard called to the nearest tower. With a clank, the gate noisily rose.

The two men limped inside. The guard turned to his partner. "Awaken Lord British."

His partner nodded and took off, his armor clanking loudly with every step.

"Guard, stop."

"What is it?"

Julius leaned against the wall, reaching up to pull a dusty cobweb from the corner of the hall. "Do me this favor. Go to the kitchen and bring me a handful of garlic," he said heavily.

"What for?"

"A spell. Please, quickly."

The guard nodded and took off as his companion had done. Julius busied himself with preparing the web as he waited. The guard returned a moment later, giving Julius the reagent he had requested.

Julius quickly cast a spell, sending waves of greenish light over the missing part of his leg. Flesh quickly began to appear as if from nowhere. Seconds later, his leg was whole again.

Standing, he nodded to the guard. “Thank you.”

He continued to Lord British’s audience chamber, where the man already sat upon his throne. “Julius! What news is so urgent?”

Julius dropped into a formal bow. “Lord British, the avatar Michael has been abducted by demons. Something must be done, though I fear he may already have perished.”

Lord British nodded and summoned a guard. “Send a message to the other seven cities of virtue. We must gather all able bodied warriors in defense of Sosaria.” He closed his eyes and shook his head. “Hawkwind informed me that something like this may occur.”

“What would you have me do, Lord British?” Julius asked.

Lord British shook his head again. “For now I would have you rest. Mayhap other virtuous souls will be willing to risk their lives to save the avatar’s.”

“I would gladly sacrifice myself to save Michael.” Julius stated.

“I am aware, friend Julius.” He shook his head once again and looked up. “But there is no need to be rash. If Michael has any chance to survive, we must not be too hasty, lest we make a fatal mistake.” He summoned another guard. “Show our guest to the spare rooms. We shall take up our crusade on the morrow.”

Lord British shook his head once again and rubbed his temples. “Damnation.” He whispered to himself. “Damnation.
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Dupre walked down the street of Trinsic on his way back to his barrack's. As he walked he looked about at the wonderous flowers and spekeled bird's as they flew over head. Then he say something, something rather large heading towards the barrack's. Squinting in the daylight he was finally able to make out a hawk flying right into his commander's office. Must be new from Britania, he thought not paying it a secound notice. Looking back down he started walking again when all of a sudden he heard a shout come from his commanders office. Stopping he watched as his commander came out and glanced around. seeing Dupre he walked over to him. As the commander drew near, Dupre pulled himself to attion and saluted.

"Dupre, just the man I was looking for. There is trouble in Britania, Lord British requested our attendence as soon as possible. Go now and get your troop's ready.Every one else has anouther assingment that they must attend to first. Do not breath a word of this Dupre, do not even tell your men but the Avatar is 'missing.' Now go on, get your men." Saluting, Dupre turned and dashed off to his troop's barrack's. What had happened to Michael....
''We have captured the Archangel, mi'Lord,'' kneeling, the little green demon said.

King demon Phakup scratched the itchy scale behind one of his three balls, farted thunderous fire from his arse and said, ''Lock 'im up in the dungen and bring back 'THE KEY' to me.''

''Yes of course, mi Lord.'' The little green demon rose and retreated backwards, never rasing its head to eye the King.

King Phakup was alone once again.

He sat on his gigantic sold gold throne, burped and yarned, and urinated.

The King picked up a urine soaked, rotting swine's head and popped in his big gob.




The head complained...
Phakup was still munching on the swine's head when the little green demon returned with THE KEY.

''Here is THE KEY, mi' Lord.''

Phakup carelessly took THE KEY away from the little green demon.

THE KEY began to heat up in Phakup's grip.

A sudden flash of light blinded the little green demon momentarily. When its eyes regained their sight, the room was empty. Phakup was nowhere to be seen.

The little green demon stood still, its mouth gaping open in fear of unknown.