Turn Webcam Images Into Sound!


Guerrilla Ontologist
Sep 19, 2000
This looks cool! I wonder what it would be like to use this while having webcam sex? Or with porn images?

Anyone willing to try and give a report?


The vOICe Learning Edition translates arbitrary video images from a regular PC camera into sounds. This means that you can "see" with your ears whenever you want to! How well you can learn to see with your ears is something only you can find out; right now you can indeed find out and learn through this Learning Edition, for free! The vOICe Learning Edition is not about some sonar device: you can hear any visual item, including photographs, drawings, signs, or pictograms. In fact, every visual shape gives a unique sound, and The vOICe Learning Edition lets you hear visual perspective, doorways, buildings, trees, furniture, or... you name it! Even color identification is included, using human speech to turn The vOICe system into a kind of "talking camera." The vOICe approach makes vision truly accessible to the totally blind!
Perhaps at some point that could be arranged. *grin*

Has anyone tried this yet?