tumblr virgin

no, tumblr's basically blogs. You don't talk directly to people unless you're using the messaging system. My difficulty isn't with following people but finding those I like. When you do find someone, head here: http://www.tumblr.com/following and type in the URL.

/your tumblr home will then show the updates from everyone you follow when you log in. You can hit the "heart" to simply like a post. If you really like something, hit the two arrows that make a square to "re-blog." Then it'll show up on your URL. You can add a comment that will show up on the page from which you're reblogging.

Hope this helps a little.
How you follow threads

I follow threads, if I followed people that would be stalking. the only problem is that some threads have a large invlolvment, and I forget what I orignally said, because they have gone on way past my entry. In other words I am lost half the time, and dont know If I am cumming or going. ;) But I love to cum .