Tommorrow is my birthday.


Literotica Guru
Jul 28, 2002
I will be 46.

My kids are well, and doing great in school.

Biz is OK.

I go to two gyms, everyday and am healthy.

Why the FUCK do I feel so dooooowwwwwwnnnnn???????:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:
birthday blues :(

happy birthday though to you ... if you feel down now well then just make sure you have a damn good birthday ... dones't really matter if its your birthday as long as you make sure you have a good day and well if you're busy with work just carry it onto the weekend and celebrate then
Sexy Girl

Good advice. I dont work, I am retired. Biz runs on its own!

Ruby: Thanx......good luck in your new life.
Oh the birthday blues. I hope you snap out of them soon! Go do something nice for yourself tomorrow. Treat yourself to something special.