To any who care for a Lifestyle Checklist:


Hmm, so many choices.
Jun 24, 2002
For any who may wish it, allow me to offer for your use, to any who PM me and ask, my several year old 7 page Lifestyle Checklist for your use.

As I don't have a webpage I can't just post it there and give out a URL for any to visit and get it. If you'll PM me and ask with an addy where I may send it I'll be happy to do so. Feel free to 'pass it around freely', but as it's my work I would appreciate leaving the By line there as well at the credit due to Lady Gwen for reformatting it for me. (Nothing like an admitted spreadsheet junkie for doing things like that. *G* Thanks Gwen.)
Mstr. PP

Certainly. Give me a few as I'm also writing and I'll post it to you. I hope you find it useful and would like to hear of anything you'd suggest to add to it. *s
To nightfighter: It's on the way to you now... noon'ish Florida time. *s

To the inquires about what it is from Rubyfruit and Bad Kitty:

I'm a rt Erotic Power Exchange or BDSM Master and have been for eons *g*. The Checklist is what's used by those within the Lifestyle to discuss, negotiate and set limits and 'rate' activities according to how their enjoyed.

The rating system runs from 0-6, with 6 being, never tried it, but willing to several times to make an informed decision on it.

I've shared it with couples not in the Lifestyle and they have found that by being totally honest it's opened doors for them about their wants, desires and fantasies sexual and otherwise, that I've been told would never have been opened without it.

So I guess I'd have to say it's an easy way to open lines of communication, in or out of the Lifestyle, between partners to allow them to freely discuss things that have been 'kept in the dark' previously.

I hope that helps. *S
good work.......

Bad Kitty you are good and drawing your own picture is great love that drawing lady.
Re: good work.......

nightfighter said:
Bad Kitty you are good and drawing your own picture is great love that drawing lady.
Oh wow thank you.

PP dear, Ruby was joking I believe. She is quite familiar with BDSM and power exchange as am I. I think she had a smart ass moment. *sigh* And that is one of the reasons we love her.
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No, I really didn't know what he was talking about, Kitty. The term Lifestyle is used by gays, swingers and the bdsm crowd.
Rubyfruit said:
No, I really didn't know what he was talking about, Kitty. The term Lifestyle is used by gays, swingers and the bdsm crowd.
Oops, my bad then. ;) That's what I get for assuming.
My ooops

I wasn't clear in explaining what I meant by Lifestyle. The communiciation error was alllllll my fault... this time. *G*

Seeeeeee Masters admit when they err. At least this one does anyway. *L