TikTok Deplorable uses n-word, won't apologize, gets fired from business owned by African American, cries about 1A rights 🤣

Rule number 1(A): White people should never use the n-word in any of its variations.

Most of the opinions the individual was "sharing" were marginal. (Over-"sharing" is a big problem these days, imho.)

Going for a man that would shoot someone, rather than a man who is smart enough to install security measures backed up by a gun as a last resort is a choice…

And suggesting that a woman needs a "man" to do the shooting is pretty self defeating in regards to her argument about women being capable individuals.

I personally would want a woman who understands home security measures, and ALSO knows how to use a gun as a last resort.


Alright folks, ante up, it's our first Vettebingo game in June.
B-4 was used earlier today and I-5 gets the nod here!
While I wasn't there and don't know the circumstances of what took place in "Bizarro world," I have noticed one thing over the years, and I see it over and over again on this forum and on many others. That is, racists have no problem making racist statements, using racist slurs or posting racist comments. But yet, they get really defensive, and go into utter denial, when called out on being racists.
In other words, being called out on their bigotry upsets them far more than, you know, actually being a bigot. I guess because it's bad publicity or something.
I never tell others what to think or what they're allowed to say, and I just ignore anyone attempting that ignorant notion with me.
If she were black and said the same about whites

She would be a Cabinet member of Poop Potus Administration
That you start a thread on this


Not one where a BLACK THUG kills a young white child

Says it all about you


Shame on you
Yes, you hate black people
While I wasn't there and don't know the circumstances of what took place in "Bizarro world," I have noticed one thing over the years, and I see it over and over again on this forum and on many others. That is, racists have no problem making racist statements, using racist slurs or posting racist comments. But yet, they get really defensive, and go into utter denial, when called out on being racists.
In other words, being called out on their bigotry upsets them far more than, you know, actually being a bigot. I guess because it's bad publicity or something.
They even manufactured a word to describe people who take issue with their crass racial comments:
MAGAts: Private business owners should be able to exercise their rights to fire employees who don't fall in line with their culture, or not serve customers who fail to.

Also MAGAts: Wait...a private business owner exercised their right to fire an employee who didn't fall in line with their culture? BUT TEH FREEDUMS!! 😭😭😎