*throwing vixenshe's arms up into the air*

Good LORD...I knew you were violent, but I had no idea the extent!

What is with all these body parts becoming detached?

My ear almost fell off last night after I talked on the PHONE for TWO HOURS STRAIGHT!

:p @ somebody on this thread
ACK! Flying breastage!

Really people, this is no way for civilized individuals to act!
We could probably make a whole new poster with all these body parts. Frankenlit.
Luscious Lioness:
"When will the legs fly? I need warning."

*tosses LL's legs into the air*
You're a handsom devil. I bet you could talk Pyper out of those breasts.
Hey! I want my tits back! I need them for the weekend, please.
No way! *clutches Cheyenne's disembodied tits* Finders keepers!
*checks to make sure my body parts are all still there and runs out of the thread*
*follows Never, trying to grab her ass and throw it on to Patient1*

Nyt all!