This maybe a way to cut down on those long distance phone bills.


We are in for it now.
Dec 10, 2000
I ran across this while downloading some freeware.

I downloaded it for my collection, But now hear this...I did not install it so i can't say one way or the other if it works well or anything else about it.

I know we have some long distance lovers at Lit.!


I must start drinking more.
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Nothing beats a phone card... Cheep.. easy to use and no trail of bills to be followed... Magnolia
My cellphone is an excellent deal. $30 a month for 300 anytime minutes, unlimited nights and weekends + free nationwide long distance. Thanks to the cell I keep in touch with friends and family nationwide and it's been years since I paid for long distance.
This works...

AT&T Unlimited Plan.

My man and I were clocking over 1500 dollars a month between the two of us with *another* long distance company. We switched to AT&T...the catch is, both of you have to be on it for the unlimited plan to work.

Last month? His bill was 35. Mine was about 40. And we are talking more than ever. :)

It is a GODSEND.

If you don't want to chew up a cell phone and the battery, a phone card is a great deal now. You can find cards at Costco or Sam's Club for under 3 cents a minute...otherwise, a cell phone is a good deal if you can find a nice unlimited plan.

A word to the wise, your local phone companies are starting to be able to provide state-to-state long distance because the FCC is giving relief to them under the Telecom Act of 1996. Most of the time, the local phone companies are going to be less expensive and not charge a monthly/quarterly plan fee to just have long distance on your line (AT&T charges $5 a month whether you use it or not!)...the more competition, the better I say...

This is good. At the very least the skinny is posted on some good ways to save on long distance.
fgarvb1 said:

This is good. At the very least the skinny is posted on some good ways to save on long distance.

Does it work in England please ?..:D