This article is several years old


Really Experienced
Oct 22, 2021
People are generally influenced by what they consume but I think it's a temporary thing. If they offered the same test to the same groups, six months later, the results would likely have been much different. We are what our life has made us. Our gender role expectations are based on what our parents showed us. That's not to say that we conform to that expectation, though. People often learn what not to do from their parents as much as what to do.

My stories feature people having healthy, mutually satisfyingly sex, where both genders have agency. There might be a dominant character, but it's just as likely to be woman as a man. It's what I like, and the readers seem to as well.
I ran across this article (from 2016) while looking for something, kinda forget what I was looking for now. Pretty interesting article. I try to make the women in my stories strong, but I confess, it has always been the woman who gets tied/cuffed and spanked. I guess that's just the way I like it best. Maybe I'll change it in my next story for grins. :)
That is so interesting!
An interesting article. My personal real-life experience agrees with many of the findings of this article. It's a shame they didn't say how those women enjoyed reading female-dominant erotica. I would have loved to see their take on it. Anyway, I am fighting the good fight in this sense, at least.
Long live femdom erotica! :p