this article absolutely blasts the NYT... not for its endorsement of Harris but for not covering the dangers of trump in all the years till now


High on a Hill
Jul 2, 2009

yes, the editorial was long, states what the majority here already understand, and rightfully exposes the character and dangers of trump. The article in the link points out the mind-blowing dissonance between the editorial and what the NYTs has, or hasn't done in all the time leading up till now.

the final paras (their own bold text):

Many Americans have put his excesses out of their minds???? Are you serious with this, you pompous idiots? I guarantee you there are tens of millions in this country who have been traumatized by this evil b------, and WISH they could put him out of their minds. But if you want to dig in and assume that is not the case, then let me remind you of this: It is YOUR JOB to remind readers about the dangers of this twisted idiot with your urgent reporting of those “excesses.”

My-God …

By running this editorial, The New York Times has proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that if the news department isn’t in the tank for Donald Trump, then they are easily the most overpaid, incompetent nitwits who have ever staffed a newsroom.

Unfortunately, it’s most likely both.