There's a Little Black Spot on the Sun Today [remix]


Libertarian Sage
Oct 11, 2022
It's the same old thing as yesterday [since 1999 here at Lit]...

A new study published in the scientific peer-reviewed* journal, Climate, by 37 researchers from 18 countries suggests that current estimates of global warming are contaminated by urban warming biases.

The study also suggests that the solar activity estimates considered in the most recent reports by the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) likely underestimated the role of the Sun in global warming since the 19th century.

It is well-known that cities are warmer than the surrounding countryside. While urban areas only account for less than 4% of the global land surface, many of the weather stations used for calculating global temperatures are located in urban areas. For this reason, some scientists have been concerned that the current global warming estimates may have been contaminated by urban heat island effects. In their latest report, the IPCC estimated that urban warming accounted for less than 10% of global warming. However, this new study suggests that urban warming might account for up to 40% of the warming since 1850.


In reality, our GlowBall Warning climate may be cooling, usher in the 70s Ice Age Alarmism...


There's always a Chicken Greta to sound the alarm about falling skies, and now, she can cry about falling temperatures.

On the upside, we can blame the urban-dwelling Big Blue Red-Greens for their climate problems; make them live in condo towers with no AC, like Soylent Green (They can eat each other!).

* This seems to ve very important to our low-information Lit Climate Alarmists.
RG has posted this one about 10 times.

Still not taking into account that biases are taken into account and corrected (or in many cases just discarded in favor of another reading)

But sure...let's add another stupid "climate change is a hoax" thread to the mix. I'm sure you'll settle it. 👍

I guess at least it's not another "1600 scientists signed ...." thread.
After adjusting the urban bias, an increasing trend in surface temperature series is still evident
Thank you Mr. Snark E. Irrelevant.
So funny how one day science is bad because it doesn’t say what you want… and another day…

Science is just facts, but that is difficult for a group that doesn’t really like facts. Silly MAGA scum.
Hey, stupid "contaminated" <> to zero.

The Left loves Science so much, but doesn't have the time to actually study...

... like a bad Sandra Bullock movie, "Knee-jerk is Their Brand."
Hey, stupid "contaminated" <> to zero.

The Left loves Science so much, but doesn't have the time to actually study...

... like a bad Sandra Bullock movie, "Knee-jerk is Their Brand."
Ohhhhh you are too lazy to study anything, which is why you rely on the alt-right talking points to tell you what to think.
It's the same old thing as yesterday [since 1999 here at Lit]...

A new study published in the scientific peer-reviewed* journal, Climate, by 37 researchers from 18 countries suggests that current estimates of global warming are contaminated by urban warming biases.

The study also suggests that the solar activity estimates considered in the most recent reports by the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) likely underestimated the role of the Sun in global warming since the 19th century.

It is well-known that cities are warmer than the surrounding countryside. While urban areas only account for less than 4% of the global land surface, many of the weather stations used for calculating global temperatures are located in urban areas. For this reason, some scientists have been concerned that the current global warming estimates may have been contaminated by urban heat island effects. In their latest report, the IPCC estimated that urban warming accounted for less than 10% of global warming. However, this new study suggests that urban warming might account for up to 40% of the warming since 1850.


In reality, our GlowBall Warning climate may be cooling, usher in the 70s Ice Age Alarmism...


There's always a Chicken Greta to sound the alarm about falling skies, and now, she can cry about falling temperatures.

On the upside, we can blame the urban-dwelling Big Blue Red-Greens for their climate problems; make them live in condo towers with no AC, like Soylent Green (They can eat each other!).

* This seems to ve very important to our low-information Lit Climate Alarmists.
From the conclusion section of the study:

Meanwhile, we found that simply substituting an alternative solar forcing dataset to that considered by AR6’s climate model hindcasts can substantially increase the amount of the 1850–2018 warming that can be explained in terms of natural forcing from 21% to 70% of the long-term warming implied by the “rural and urban” series and 87% of the “rural-only” temperature series.
This suggests that the scientific debates over which solar forcing dataset to use have yet to be satisfactorily resolved.

They did an interesting take on this, what I did find well was the documentation from above. In which they used data in several areas and then adjusted the data to make it fit with the known facts. They admit they had issues in getting a data set match with reality (above). Seems the heat sinking effect ( well known) is much larger than thought prior. The leading heat sink is obviously the oceans, but it does appear that the large concrete jungles of the world also have a larger effect.

The study doesn't claim anthropogenic warming through GHG's is not happening. It just argues there is more to examine.
The urban heat islands are well known and documented and have been for damn near 20 years now. While at the same time a great many remote stations have dropped off line in their reporting giving the urban stations an inordinate amount of weight in the calculations.

That is NOT to say that warming isn't occurring, after all we are in an inter-glacial period and that's what the Earth does, it warms up. But it seems that the assholes that are profiting from climate alarm-ism keep missing their prognostications year after year after year. Yet, in-spite of being perpetually wrong they have a great following in the Western world that they have panicked into borderline insanity.
A lot of thought and scholarship really went into that reply...
As opposed to the stuff you are posting- just copy pasting from your source…

Takes some brains to copy and paste with no actual creation of substance.

But that’s you, can’t even identify yourself correctly. MAGA boot licker.
No kidding! I'm supposed to be sitting on prime beach-front property right about now and still the fucking Mississippi is contained within its historical banks.
As opposed to the stuff you are posting- just copy pasting from your source…

Takes some brains to copy and paste with no actual creation of substance.

But that’s you, can’t even identify yourself correctly. MAGA boot licker.
Go ahead. You go start your own thread based on your original thoughts and show us how its done by the smart kids on the board. Use your brains for something other than just attacking other people.

I honestly do not think you can.
No kidding! I'm supposed to be sitting on prime beach-front property right about now and still the fucking Mississippi is contained within its historical banks.
Oh you are mad it’s not happening fast enough. Something says our science had a hand in that.
Hey, stupid "contaminated" <> to zero.

The Left loves Science so much, but doesn't have the time to actually study...

... like a bad Sandra Bullock movie, "Knee-jerk is Their Brand."
This thread is a knee jerk. You found a study that supported.your position and rushed to tell us all about it.

Climate change has not been disproven by this study..sorry.
Go ahead. You go start your own thread based on your original thoughts and show us how its done by the smart kids on the board. Use your brains for something other than just attacking other people.

I honestly do not think you can.
Oh, do you have original thoughts? Haven’t seen any yet. Just whatever your Fuhrer has posted for you to spread around.
A peer-reviewed publication about CLIMATE is now a bad thing because it's crossing certain political narratives.

Very illuminating. It's like heretically suggesting that the earth (man) is not the center of the solar system.

I mean, obviously these guys can see the sun moving around the earth, rising, zenithing, setting...
A peer-reviewed publication about CLIMATE is now a bad thing because it's crossing certain political narratives.

Very illuminating. It's like heretically suggesting that the earth (man) is not the center of the solar system.

I mean, obviously these guys can see the sun moving around the earth, rising, zenithing, setting...
You should read the study, it doesn't say what you think it does. But you put me on ignore, so you can just keep looking like an idiot, since those who don't ignore me can read the synopsis I posted earlier.
Oh I am?

I get more pissed at the lack of language skills on display.
Still can’t reply directly. As if you can say you weren’t responding to a person. Following the Cheeto playbook of I didn’t say that or mean that has run out for him. These things the right doesn’t like called facts show up.

Surprised you haven’t noticed, oh wait. I’m not.

(You aren’t all that quick, but you can recognize a grammar mistake- you should be an editor, creation of content isn’t your forte’)
Trump really does live rent free in your head.

Boogeymen should be made of sterner stuff methinks...